Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thrift Thursday: Oh I'd Like To Know Where You Got The Notion

And what to my wondering eyes should appear????

Oh Lordy... Did I ever Rock the New Vintage Thrift Boat, Baby!

50 vintage patterns! 25 cents each.

some in my size

a Tunic! 3 dresses with princess seam! Jackets, capes, handbags, Oh My!

and some little ones.

These I will want to swap. My nieces are getting too big!

(even Toys: Raggedy Ann and Winnie the Pooh circa 67...!!!)

And Oceans of beautiful Notions!

I love love love thrifting for Notions. It is so great to get a zipper for 5 or 10 cents instead of a buck or two.

and the packaging is really fun to admire

my what big eyes you have... and big hooks too!

And the joy of vintage buttons is almost beyond compare.

Extra super thrill for the ones still on cute cards!

There are a few items that are risky. Elastic and bias tapes that have been improperly stored are sometime brittle. But usually they are so cheap they are worth the risk.

And patterns aren't always complete... But some of them are worth it just for the envelopes alone.

This whole beautiful bunch of patterns and notions were from just 2 trips to the thrift store.
If you go thrifting, ask if they have a craft section. You never know what you might find!

Now my biggest question is: what do I sew first!?!

Go On, Get Your Thrift On!

Kiss For Luck,


julie (jane's apron) said...

I FINALLY scored some good patterns this week...can't wait to see what you sew!

Angelina said...

You lucky bird! That is quite an incredible find.

willywagtail said...

This is the best load of notions I have ever seen, even including my Mum's sewing basket.

Melissa Haworth said...

I'd love to swap if that Simplicity 8715 is close to a 4t (or if you have girly patterns in the 4t range). If you're willing, let me know what you might like in return...very excited!

Jenifir said...

Well the fact that you found the, up to now, mythic mother-lode of vintage sewing goodness means that it does exist and that maybe, if we are lucky, one of us might find it too! I can't wait to see what comes from such inspiration.

Anonymous said...

i want thrift stores like you!!!!

i'm jealous

where on earth are you located >.<


EnigLdy said...

I enjoy your blog so much and all these fun notions would've been in my basket, too! Thanks for sharing.

Witchcrafted Life said...

I seriously love your, so much vintage awesomeness. I think my favourite piece is the button card with the pipe smoking chap on it, if only for the fact that you'd never in a billion years see that on a piece of modern packaging ;)

Enjoy all you fab goodies & have a fantastic weekend!

♥ Jessica

Queen Helena said...

lovely blog! where do you obtain your patterns from?

Maryissewfast said...

Great score!!! I love it when I can pick up zippers and notions. I don't see patterns as much at some of the bigger thrifts stores, but we have a small local one that gives the patterns away for FREE! I always head there first when I go shopping there because I have found some great vintage patterns! Enjoy you treasures

Anonymous said...

Oh what a fabulous haul!
Lucky you!

Leah said...

Its so rear to score like that here! Awesome find.

FRIZZ said...

I've got a thing for buttons, especially on the old cards. You've got some amazing cards! I have an old tin of my great aunt's buttons - they are gems!!

Heidi Ann said...

WoW!!!! What a great bunch of stuff! And I couldn't help noticing the Butterick pattern #5814 in your second picture. Barbara Walters was wearing a tunic on The View this morning that looked VERY much like the one that is pictured on that pattern in red. It was really pretty.

Anonymous said...

all those lovely things! I get super excited about vintage buttons! those red ones are gorgeous!

Can't wait to see if you make any of the clothes!

Wende said...


Jodie said...

Betty, those buttone with the man on the card- they are featured in a button book I have- you may just have grabbed a super bargain there - leave them intact !!!

Clare said...

I am fairly new to your blog, but I find everything you post very inspiring and I love your photos.
For this reason I am passing on my Kreative Blogger award to you.

TiLT said...

what first! I don't think I could do it...pick that is. Maybe write them on a piece of paper in a big circle & throw a dart at it!

Unknown said...

hmm are some of the kiddie patterns still up for swap? Or would you like two new little girl muses? they would be thrilled to volunteer...;)

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