WIP.. ( yes, I know that the traditional WIP posts are Friday .. but I was at my sisters campsite in Big Basin seeing how much dirt you can load on a preschooler.)
Umm.. I have been busy.
I don't mean to be neglectful ..
In the summer my life just goes faster and faster.
My son has to see all his loved ones, I have projects and trips of my own.. and work also gets hectic.
I think about blogging, but sometimes, I just can't get it all together to post.
But here are some things I have been doing in the mean time.

My Mom's birthday present.. Her party was a roaring success.. My husband got her a bit tipsy ( an exceedingly rare occurance, I do assure you..) with his fantastic hand squeezed fresh lime and mango margaritas and her necklace came out pretty well too.

This is the back of it..

I love the way this came out. It was for a Swap -Bot swap.. I think it has potential.
Holiday Tryptic?
Scary Fairy Tale tryptic?
Yeah.. That is fun craft...
Obviously, you've been using your time well making those beautiful pendants.
I love your posts.
You know that is what winter if for. . .blogging! One can not blog in the summer at least not often. . .
Beautiful pendants and the shadow box is gorgeous as well!
mango margaritas? sounds wonderful! do you have the recipe?
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