Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Heart Day

here's hoping you spend today close to the hearts you *heart*.

ooh... and Mrs. Home Maker's Valentine's Prep was featured on Vintage Indie.. how sweet is that? Thanks Gabreial!


  1. I love your heart/bottle photos. Those eyes make them look so forlorn! It's so heartwarming when they find each other.

  2. Happy Valentines Day Bethany - there seems to be a case of Parallel Synchronized Randomness with the animal eyes. I've got them too. But the "bird eye" form.

  3. Happy Valentines Day :)

  4. Happy Valentine's day, the hearts are adorable.

  5. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Happpy belated heart day!! It is still heart day here today ;)

  6. I read you love comments (me tooo)

    Here is one.
    I love the hearts in the bowl but they are a little bit sad to,because they are separated.

    That robot is so cute and so are your doll postcards!

    good luck!

  7. Anonymous3:46 PM

    okay those are really cute. eyes on things that don't have eyes is almost always cute even if it's creepy.

    my friend just made me a stuffed mustache (with a mustache) with eyes and it's beyond excellent

  8. Anonymous12:45 AM

    oh these are gorgeous!! love these photos, so cute and funny, they made me smile.
