Sunday, October 19, 2008

Little Boo Peep

Yesterday I got a rare treat. I got to help make a costume for my niece.
She is little Boo Peep.

We recycled or thrifted every bit and I think it came out just perfectly.
Rescued squashed vintage hat. Totally restyled.
thrifted eyelet top embellished with recycled ribbon.
1.25 for thrifted chintz swatch for over skirt.
borrowed petticoats
And a kid friendly "crook " from recycled pipe
insulation used to pack a bicycle,
wire hanger, bamboo garden stake
and recycled ribbon and trims.

Total cost 7.00.

It certainly restored my faith in chintz.
Shepherdesses look great in it!


Anonymous said...

Soooo your the aunt I always dreamed about!!!
Your niece looked so cute that costume was adorable!!

Julie H said...

What a darling little bo peep!!

Natalie said...

So danged cute I can't stand it. And for seven dollars...Amazing! Kudos to your resourceful creativity!

Anonymous said...

seriously adorable!

aniexma said...


Anonymous said...

thats soooo precious ^_^
adorable little girl
i love her costume
is that her halloween outfit

Anonymous said...

She looks totally cute! Fab costume! Especially the hat.

Hope she finds those sheep! ;o)

Unknown said...

I absolutely love this costume. When I was a little girl I entered a Halloween parade as Little Bo peep and won, not because I had a great costume (which I did because it was made by my great grand mother)but because i hopped across the judging stage because Ireally wanted to be a rabbit instead.

Tara said...

What a wonderful costume, and only $7??? What could be better than that? Great that everything was recycled or thrifted- very "green" of you! Your niece is a cutie pie too!

Thanks for stopping by my blog, glad the pumpkin cheesecake recipe will be put to good use, enjoy!

My Little Family: said...

She's looks adorable! And the costume is fantastic! Great job.

aurora said...

Love this costume! How cute.

Anonymous said...

This is an adorable costume. Your niece is perfect for Bo Peep. And the thrifting adds the right element - always great to create a Halloween costume with thrifted goods.

She will be adored at each door!

Kims Art said...

Adorable! She is the perfect Little Bo Peep! Happy Halloween!

Mary-Laure said...

How absolutely adorable!! I love her is that going to be her Halloween attire?

Tinsell and Whimsy said...

How fun......can I be a member of your family? I am a thifter too...great job.......and people poo poo thrifting.......I bet you had plently of money left over for candy........By the way I loved your Halloween Party as well......I am still making my way down the list.

Heidi Ann said...

What a sweet Little Bo Peep! You have such a talent - fabulous costume!

Natalia said...

Absolutely adorable!!!

Oh, I wish I knew how to sew. I need to make my daughter's costume from last year fit my neice. 16yr old to 7yr old. It'll be interesting, lol :)

Anonymous said...

That is beautiful! Great job!
I bet you could sell that for hundreds on e-bay! The custom outfits and costumes go for a mint on ebay! Love, Valerie

Sonya said...

Just absolutely ADORABLE. You are the amazing aunt.

Cait said...

That is an amazing and darling costume! I am amazed. Your sushi cake is also inspiring and I hope to try making it sometime!


Polka Dot Moon said...

Hello there,
I'm popping over from Vanessa's party :) Your blog is fabulous and I love the recipes and your nieces costume is adorable!
Happy Early Halloween ;)

Natalia said...


Pop back over to my place for a $25 to A Fanciful Twist give-away! :)

Nikki via The Scarlett Rose Garden said...

Darling!! Nice and thrify and creative. The hat is my favorite.

Anonymous said...

Darling! Simply darling!!

mary said...

What a small world! I've been reading your blog for a while because I love thrifting, vintage clothes and sewing. I was just catching up this morning and was so surprised to see my three year olds love interest (your niece!) on the screen in an adorable costume! If her name starts with "V" and her preschool is in a city that begins with "O" it's her!! :-)

futuregirl said...

You are a wizard!

Cricut heart shape greeting card design USA said...

We recycled or thrifted every bit and I think it came out just perfectly.

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