But if you live with in a 4 hour drive of Sacramento... You should totally come visit all the crafty ladies there.
Get the details on their blog!
I did decide I had to make some New Vintage for sale:
I made a couple of "Thoroughly Modern Muu Muus" to wear around when it is too hot for clothing. They are good as jumpers in the fall as well. Just layer them!

I modified the jumper pattern with a sash in the back to help with fitting the masses. I will be taking orders at the show for these and hopefully I will sell the two I made. But just in case, I happened to make them in Medium... Just my size. I also made them sooo short because I like this style over my shorts/ capris/ jeans! ( The one below is my favorite....)

I also made a couple of 'toddler tunix'.. really for the pre-toddling set.. they need bloomers, but alas, I am out of time!

I made a few aprons for the Mother's day shoppers:

I will be selling the Utility Obis ( another New Vintage Creation) as well as my Modern Geisha Obi's from the Etsy stuff.. Hanky Tanks and other goodies.

I am even doing some of my latest craft: Nite Nite Owls. Felted sweater owls with needle felt embellishments (took "Knit Sonya" class and was hooked)and scented with lavander for sweet dreams.
You should go to Knit Sonyas new site.. It is very very cool! ( I am suffering for site envy for certain.)
All right.. this isn't the super juiciest New Vintage post and for that I apologise. I will try Like a Demon to make up for it in the next couple of weeks ... But in the mean time I do recommend the new Blueprint and their article on Mod Dresses. We will ignore the fact that the model is depressingly skinny and looks tres bored.. and focus on the fact that with ready made prices like these... Every Fabric Purchase I make Is Justifiable. (But somebody needs to make that poor thing a cookie.. really.)
(ooh.. sorry for the wierd disappearing photo posts Blogliners.. I am no tech genius and I did something goofy.. sorry.)
I love your "Thoroughly Modern Muu Muus" - great name too! I'm sure all of it will sell well :)
I love the Muu muus! Too bad I'm on the east coast - or I'd be there in a heartbeat!
"Shameless Commerce Division." Snort. My favorite thing about your BLARG here is that I look at flickr, see you have posted some photos, and then know that a blarg posting will follow soon. I'm the same way with presents: I like to know what they are ahead of time, because then (because I often forget what the present will be) it's like getting a present TWICE. My brain works funny.
Oh! I freakin' love your tags! That ribby body is awesome. :) I hope you sell every single thing you take to the Parade and have orders for many many more. :)
I'm starting my shopping list now... I in love with those utility obis! I think any money I earn tomorrow will go directly to you and the other ladies participating!
One more madwoman-evening and then we're done! I'm looking forward to meeting you tomorrow.
Now I know why you call yourself "Bitter Betty INDUSTRIES" I am impressed with all the work you've been doing- the dresses for both Mods and kids are so charming!
I hope you sell out at this show. You really make amazing things.
Wish I could be there - I whole-heartedly embrace muu muus!
I want, desire, covet a Thoroughly Modern Mumu and when you come home from your marching, I will place my order (I don't think I ever was a medium) so get ready. I also love those owls - thank you for the shout out and the site envy, coming from you, it means a lot. Clean em' up, paint Sacramento red!
love the little toddler tunic that is two toned (on the left)
it is adorable!!!!!
Hi! I've been lurking for a few weeks, reading and following along with your creative adventures. Just wanted to pop out of the woodwork and say I really love those "modern muu muus"!! (the name is soooo great!). Hope you do well at the show too...
I had that pattern for the little shift dress with the button straps when I was in highschool believe it or not! I think the first one I made was of a pschydelic flowery pattern fabric. With my fluorescent green fishnet tights I looked fab!
It all looks fabulous. Have fun--here's to lots of "commerce" :D
Hi Bethany!
It was so great to meet you at Handmade Parade! I heart my owl very much. I also blogged about your stuff and the owl ... click here if you want to read it ... and feel free to link back if you like!
Hope to see you around again!
I love my obi!!! I hope we can do a show together again =)
I wish I was there too! To meet your first, then to check it all out! That post was fab...I did not notice one weird thing! You are so good to us with all you share. So many details and photos!!! That is why, I like you. I really like you! :) smilin...xxo,V
Good luck at the show!
Your logo graphic is cute as hell.
Man, you've been busy. Everything looks so great I wish I could be there to see it all in person. I hope you sell it all!
wow, you are the muu muu queen! Those olws are sooo freakin cute too!
OMG! I'm in loooooooove with your stuff! The Thoroughly Modern Muu Muus - fab. The toddler tunics - want one! The owls - Must. Have. One. Now.
Okay, that one was kind of creepy. But I seriously do want to buy an owl and a toddler tunic (mother of a 3yo). I'd buy a Muu Muu but that will have to wait until that sunny someday when I get serious about exercising. In any case - where do I go to do my shopping?
P.S. You lucky girl - that pincushion is adorable!
like the tags and all your good stuff! thanks fore sharing.
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