It all started with a trip to the thrift store.. I found this.. and a bolt of ( yes, a whole bolt) of cream colored wool felt.
The pattern is unassuming but I just had a feeling that there might be more to it that meets the eye... Perhaps with some modifications?????

Soon I had two felt rabbits, naked and faceless. Something is odd about them. Not just that the photo is slightly out of focus.. They are not real rabbits at all..They have no Haunches..their limbs are all the same size.. They are Bunny Children. Child shaped body with a bunny head. They need clothing. I Rush to my scrap boxes.. Chaos insues...

After a massive mess.. I have done it. I "used what I had" (This entire mission accomplished with zero extra trips to the fabric store and most of the major elements are thrifted!) and made the Bunny Children.. Then I let them out to play in the yard..

Because it was a really nice afternoon and I needed to clean up the mess I made..
I like the shading around the eyes - such a great detail. Looks like it's beautiful out there. Glad you are home to enjoy it. :)
Their faces are great. I'd like to see them in person, I mean bunny.
every good bunny child pirate needs a chicken on his shoulder.
wonderful job - i bought that same pattern say....20? years ago? i liked the zippered carrot - have never opened it...
The bunnies are so cute!
very fun!
Does Stephanie mean she never opened the zippered carrot?
They *are* bunny children, not bunnies. Pehaps they'd like to come over and much on some mint or onion grass.
(LOVE the new banner!)
your craftiness knows no bounds! I love the garden post too! I[m so glad you liked the OK GO video, it makes me smile and I just had to share!! I'll be back, great blog!
OMG, I LOL when I saw what you created! They are 2 Cute. Man, do those bunny kids have a great Mom :0)
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