10:30 Pacific time tomorrow I will be on tv.
I will not be watching it .. We don't have cable. Now that Michelle doesn't have cable I believe I know no one within a reasonable driving distance who I can encroach upon in order to watch.. Which frankly is fine with me. I don't think that it will be a bad show but watching myself on video has always been mildly excrutiating for me since I hit about 8th grade.
I actually recorded this show about 14 months ago. I recorded a different show 2 months ago.. That will air in spring.
Prerecorded television is like a time capsule. People i told when I recorded the show have since drifted out of my life.
It is much better that my mom will record it and will, in all likelyhood, be kind in reporting that I looked cute and sounded witty.. Then I can watch the recording at a time when perhaps a strong cocktail will help to ease the chafing sensation of self conciousness.. And hopefully it will be at least moderately entertaining. I had fun prepping the crafts and recording the show.. If that counts for anything, I at least have that in my corner.
I will be putting up all the tshirts on Etsy while I listen to the rain over the next day or so. And visiting all my blog friends I have neglected during this crazy holiday week..
see ya soon.
Show is Craft Lab and it is on the DIY network 1:30 eastern..
I guess I shold have a trivia question for anyone who gets to see it... A pom pom sheep to whomever is the first to answer what I used to stamp the skulls on the gift bags...
But you must tell me I looked cute and sounded witty..
what station? what's the name of the show? i don't have cable either, but i have a sister that can tivo it for me.... and I WANNA SEE!!! i am terribly excited.
Yes, I need to set my vcr!!! DIY??? HGTV??? yikes. I have to go to work..
So sad! I won't be at home. I was kinda hoping that you meant 10:30pm.
Well, I can at least tell you that you looked cute! :) That's a great green jacket/top.
OK, this was just TOO much of a coincidence!!!! I checked you blog at 10:27 on my cable box...just in time to quickly hop on and TIVO the show. i will have to watch it later because the toddler is immersed in his morning cartoon time and will implode if i cut into "his" tv time, but i will watch it a bit later on! Can't wit to see! I know you will ROCK!
D'oh...i suppose i should learn to READ! Hello, 1:30, dumb Amanda, not 10:30. Do i get a prize for being a dork? LOL!
Hey BitterBetty ..
Caught you on CraftLab teevee!
The skellie head potato stamps were spud yummy.
You WERE charming and looked fabu !
Hey BitterBetty ..
caught you on teevee craftlab .. the skellie head potato stamps are spud-riffic .. and you were ever so charming and looked fabulous !
I'm home sick and was happy to catch you on TV - you made the skull outta potatoes...now my mind's a racing of what to do with my afternoon. PS - You looked hot!!!!
I'm home sick and was happy to catch you on TV - you made the skull outta potatoes...now my mind's a racing of what to do with my afternoon. PS - You looked hot!!!!
I'm home sick today, so I was happy to catch your show! I haven't played with potato stamps for ages, so my mind's a racing to see what I might come up with this afternoon. P.S. You looked awesome!
oh, crap! i missed it!
what was the name of the episode, so i can program it to record...
crafting with dad?
using an improvisational screen printing technique to apply designs?
mixed media paper projects?
airbrushing techniques?
i can't believe i missed it! ::sob::
I wish I had thought of asking someone I know to tape it for me. Never even occurred to me. That's so sad. I guess I can prepare to catch the one in spring.
You rocked it, lady! Looked great! Even my hub was impressed with you, your clever clever potato skulls and was all like "well, i know how YOU"LL be wrapping presents this year!" LOL! And the ribbon envelope is GENIUS! Now i want to make a new mix CD just so i can make some of them. YAY! Inspiration is at a premium right now, so i am just so damn happy to be EXCITED about making something. Thank you, craft lab and Bethany! :)
I really enjoyed the show. I'd never seen Craft Lab before. You were very composed and professional, I would have assumed you were on tv all the time. I'd say more composed than the host. Loved your projects, and of course figured out the potato before the show!!! Who doesn't love a potato stamp?
Congratulations on your success!
Wait till everyone sees the awsome eggs you did for season 2!
I so want DIY!!!! We don't have it here, in a major city (San Antonio) with a major cable company (Time Warner). Come on people! I KNOW it can be done!
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