I have been batch reading all my favorite blogs.. Reading whole weeks at once. Avoiding the computer in order to stay on task with the making of pretty things. At this point I am not finished but I am accomplished.
I have finished 14 necklaces. 10 which will go to Angelina's new store in McMinnville, Oregon.

I was so touched and excited that she contacted me to participate. She just got a new storefront and she is all set to take off like a rocket. If you can't get to lovely Oregon.. she haswebstore goodies too...
I made 9 t-shirts, Including this reconstructed Joan'd Arc made from a loved 't' sent by Amanda from Pandora's Button Box.

The package was loaded with fantastic goodies from her wares. I am so Lucky! I have to get on task to make a return gift..

I made 4 obi's, 4 velvet, leopard print, neckscarves and a commission of 6 ornaments and filled an order for my friend's bookshop.

I started looking for a dog. (whether this is a good idea, or not, is open for debate.. opinions anyone?)
I cleaned like crazy.
I made two big pots of soup.
I thrifted once.
I am helping someone from my hometown design her logo and get her streetfront signage made.
All this is great and I am so excited about these things and having two crafty-party-thingies coming up.. I was thoroghly disstracted I just couldn't make myself take good pictures..
Also we have a guy working on our house. He is a very nice man but he makes me arrange my day differently and think much more self consciously. That kind of messes with my creative process, especially in the post writing arena. Is that wierd?
Anyway the alleged two weekend job that has held our back door ( main entrance to the house) hostage for 2 months now and cost more than double the original estimates ( our fault, not the nice guy's) should actually be pretty much finished on Monday. Phew.
I love my blog.. why did it get squeezed out?
I should have blown off the vaccuuming instead.. or the floor scrubbing.
Well, here is to better priorities for the month of November..
And more fun adventures in BlogLand..
so happy to see you back. i have always considered floor scrubbing to be very low on any list... it is just something i can not get excited about. love the skull under glass. congratulations on the invitation to include your work in the shop in mcminnville.
no, it's not weird that your crafting mojo is getting thrown off by mr. two cents and he doesn't know what he's talking about.
puppy? you gonna get a puppy?!
Yay! I'm so excited that you are sending your stuff to Angelina's store. She has great taste. :) The picture of your necklaces is totally awesome - is that the display?
It's unbelievable how much you have been getting done. I'm really impressed. You rock, Bethany! I'm surprised you have any time to write posts at all.
Andrew can sometimes throw my post writing or even comment writing off. I like doing it when he's not in the office with me. It takes less time because I can concentrate. So, no, I don't think it's weird that Construction Dude is throwing you off a bit.
yeah, them dust bunnies ain't goin anywhere!! blog on!! I love your crafty-ness!!! I got a halloween CD from Amanda too, IT ROCKS!! She is so sweet!! glad you're back!
Holy Toledo! You were busy before I placed my order, I didn't quite realize how many balls you had in the air which makes it that much more impressive how quickly you made my order with all the necklaces and decorated boxes.
As to the dog thing...Chick is the first dog I've ever had in my life and she is just like having a second child. She requires lots of exercise and watching or lots of things disappear in the house like Max's toys. I think if you've had dogs before you know what you're in for, if not, all you need to ask yourself is: "am I ready for a baby?" That said, I do really really love my dog. And I'm thinking you would love yours too.
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