Ooops you caught me. Late in the morning and still in my PJ's.
But it's Okay! They are New Vintage Fashion, darlings!
Simplicity 4184 pajamas and housecoat.. circa late 1950's.

PJ's made from a vintage sheet and housecoat from a vintage chenille bedspread. That's right... Bed clothes from bedclothes.
So sweet and perky that I wake up every morning with a necklace on and a dewy gardenia in my beehive.
This little ensemble was a bit challenging as the sheet was just barely big enough and chenille is a real adventure in cutting. The sewing of it was mostly just peachy but a couple of times my machine sort of swore at me, just a little. You know, it made a sound like when you mess up on a game show, only more threatening.
This was my first plaid matching and it was just as tricky as all the books said it would be. That is why I tried it on something to wear around the house first.
Don't you just love the idea of a housecoat? So cute and feminine. Cuts the chill without all the mass of a big robe.
I am going to express my joy through interpretive dance.

Holy Mother of Pearl.. That was ridiculous!
The interpretive dancing was EXCELLENT. I got a real sense of how you FEEL. You know, like lying about in pink satin mules eating bonbons and reading trashy novels.
You're a bit of a fruit loop.
I love a bit of interpretive dance,
reminds me of the liturgical dancing we did in church as kids.
Great jammies too - better than the ones I bought today that look like "bog catchers".
Betty baby I'm laughing my little behind off. Good job yours is little with those plaid lines going around it. Watch that won't you. Lovely jammies.
You are craaazzzyyyyy! Great jammies!
It's another hit! :)
HA HA! That was an excellent dance! If only I was your neighbor. You're too funny lady!
Oh, and I read your pattern review over on Sew,mama,Sew. I got some tips from there. Thank you.
holy smokes you are great! the whole shebang is just fantastic.
Lindy sez:
A-FREAKIN-dorable!Better than expected... can't wait for the next installment!
Love the dance as much as the jammies. You're the cutest!
you are so stinking adorable, I can hardly stand it!!!
Martha Graham move over, you can cut a rug and chenille better than the best of them. I love the pjs and the house coat, well what self-respectin' housewife could be without one?
"You know, it made a sound like when you mess up on a game show, only more threatening."
That's it exactly!!! My heart always skips a beat when I hear that sound...
Great project!
I absolutely love your blog, and this is exactly why.
I actually laughed out loud and got a tear in my eye.
oh to wake up in such divine jammies and slip on that darling house coat! honestly, your pjs look much cuter than many an outfit I put on to wear during the day! you are the best.
oooo... cute!
now you just need some matching house slippers!
I'm attending a slumber party this weekend and would kill to have such a fabulous p.j. set. The house coat in particular is fabulous. And making it all out of bed linens? GENIUS!
bedclothes out of bedclothes...that is perfect! I remember my mom wearing a house coat.
You have the cutest jammies ever!!!!
Honey, you are cuter than cute and so is your housecoat. Keep dancing!
I want to be you.
Is there some way we can work that out?
These are beyond adorable...I LOVE the coat fabric. The dance was just the cherry on top...
Omg, that was great! I just adore that last photo of you cracking up. :D
Bravo. The Jammies look amazing and comfortable too!
Heeeee! :D I just found your blog today and this post cracked me up! You are such a ham! Very, very cute... and great job on the bedclothes. :)
I discovered your blog 3 weeks ao and today i'm sure i'm addict of it .
I love the way you sew theses vintage patterns . It's so cute and amazing too !!
Bravo Madame !!
You are too Dahling, Dahling!!!!
I love the PJ's and the house coat is divine. No matter what my sewing machine says about chenille- there is nothing like it for comfy and cozy. I totally am enjoying your Vintage Fashions and show! Keep rocking it, Sistah!
I think I have that same pattern at home - only I think the size is too small for me. The jammies and house coat look awesome!
...LOL.... :)
Darn you, now i *have* to watch "Funny Face" because i can't stop thinking of interpretive dancing a'la Hepburn now! Oh, the torture of having to sit through one of my alltime favorite movies yet COULD you!! teehee!
You "bedclothes from bedclothes" are matched that print spot-on and the whole outfit is perfectly adorably wonderous! I just can't wait to see what you come up with next, you sewing diva, you! :)
I just found a link to your blog, over in Amy's 'Petticoat Lane.' YOU are so ding-dang-cute. Now I'll have to put your blog, in my Google Reader list... Along with my *zillion* other blogs. Oh sigh...
So Hi to you.
And now, I have to go back and *holler* at Amy!!! For finding you and putting a link, in her blog. That gal knows I already can't keep up with all my blogs! How dare she go and tempt me, with more?!?!?! >,-)))))
I won't say the comments are almost as good as the post because they're only, like, half as good as the post. (My favorite is the fruit loop one!) You are super excellent and keep getting better. I have a fairly free long weekend and can't wait to SEW!
BB, you're a genius.
I am laughing with you at the end photo, pretending i am there too, in my own PJ's. Eachone of us humoring eachother with our antics...Grabbing the camera as 13 years olds, saying, let me see, let me see....If only there had been digital cameras when I was 13. Can you imagine, what fun that would have been??? Then again, I would have never gone outside to play. I am still giggling with you and smilin' big. My cheeks ache. xxo
I love your vintage redux concept! If I wasn't up to my eyeballs in a hand-quilting saga for a client, I would totally join in. I have a ton of patterns and it is nice to reinvent them, esp when others are doing the same. Keep the inspiration coming!
Wow you are so what I needed today, my cheeks hurt from grinning through your entire post. Interpretive dance in pearls oh my!!
When I do crazy dances my daughter says, "no dance, Mommy!"
I must not be a very good dancer :(
I can tell that YOU are, though!
you have the poses down, girl! love the pj's-gives me ideas! have to wait though, packing moving unpacking organizing finding new job, schools. hmm, may be a while before I get new jammies. BUT, I can do a lot ot thrifting in the meantime!
Love the jammies... and the matching of the plaids... but your the interpretive dance is the living end!
Charmed, I'm sure,
each group of interpretive dance photos is better than the last! mother of pearl is right... getting a healthy dose of spongebob myself!
A.DOR.A.BLE! Have you thought about taking up belly dance? Because that inprepretive dance shows me - you've got the moves, sistah!
Delurking to say that was a most excellent post. Not only are we treated to matching chenille plaid - gasp - but a lovely interpretive dance, as well! Thank you!
you're inspiring a pajama party! how i would love to lounge around with you and sip some coffee in such cool pjs.
Love the photo shoot, to cute!
So completely wonderful! LOVE the *swish* photos. :)
I LOVE that coat/robe/totally awesome-ness thingy! I NEED one now - and my neighbors will thank you because after it's finished they won't have to watch me walk the dog in my jammies!!
OOOooowww. I want a house coat, it sure is sweet. Plus your blog is very funny.
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
I have a Chenille Bedspread site. It pretty much covers chenille bedspreads and bedding.
Come and check it out if you get time ;)
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