I got some Japanese Crafts books (my first) and we ate crepes in a paper cone.
These are lovely ladies and Kuky brought her family which made for some fantastic baby games!
it is so nice to meet blog friends face to face and have them be as charming and delightful as you imagined.
Futuregirl was on vacation all the way from PHILLY, PA. That is FA-AR. So, it was extra great to see her. Plus , I think she was my very first virtual friend. You know, the first to email and not just comment, the first to share more about her life than what project she just finished. She's good like that. Friendly ... generous.. and talented.
Then Home again and was I ever suprised, the Wrap Skirt Tutorials I did for Sew, Mama, Sew was featured on the Craftzine blog... That was a thrill! And i can count on Knit Sonya to make sure I didn't miss it.! Finger on the Pulse of the Blogosphere.
Over the last month and a half I have taken a couple of needle felting classes (one from Knit Sonya and the other one from this lady ) and that led me to make these.
Fluffy stuff. I love that they balance on their pipecleaner feet. Needle felting is my first fibercraft. I have already bought more wool.It has it's own plastic box in the craft cave... a big one.
I have done some thrift-craft too, using the thrifted embroidery transfers to embellish the thrifted linen pillow case with redwork.
I got the vintage laundry basket at the thrift store for 6.50.. definitely my score o' the week. ( But the Krups ice cream maker for 6.00 wasn't a bad deal either.)
I sold a bunch of my goose eggs to a shop called Iron Dog Antiques in historic Niles, CA... and they already sold three of them right back out of there. Flattered, I am sure!
I am making ready for the Big 40th birthday party here and so am cleaning and cooking instead of crafting for the "C is 4 Craft" Fair in Santa Cruz on June 9th. Well, I am trying to clean.. but I keep finding little crafty things to do too.
Come visit me there!
June 9,2007 11am-5pm
Lifestyle Culinary Arts
101 B Cooper Street
Santa Cruz,CA
Had some super sad news too. An old friend from high school died in a mototrcycle accident. Scooter Meyerhoff didn't just have the greatest name in the universe, he was the kind of person that you thought would go on forever. He was charming and gregarious and larger than life. He was all hugs and smiles, when most teens were moody and distant. He was a great friend.
The world got just a little less sunny last Sunday.
Oh and I know I am tagged for the 7 things but I am not finding the right moves for my interpretive dance for that one.. I will do it soon, I swear!!!!!!! I will not flake!
Yay for the sold eggs! Ans yaya for that smile of yours! You made me smile! I have to go to a wedding... I should have thought of it sooner and begged you to take on a comissioned garment...Next time... xxxooo
well, miss betty has been a busy one! i was mighty jealous when i saw the pictures of your visit with alice on her site last night, but so happy that you got together - what a treat. and, i am sorry to hear of your friend's death, my thoughts are with you.
Sorry to hear you lost a friend. I guess we just never know when it's going to happen.
On a much lighter note, I think you're gonna need this tshirt
I am sorry to hear about Scooter. That is a rather wonderful name. I love your eggs. Some Martha Stewart glitter on those things will be a good thing. I can't wait to meet some blogging friends...there is one in particular that lives two cities away from me and I can't wait to have the time to meet her!
I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Never easy.
And what can I say, you've been busy. :D Thanks for sharing all the good stuff too!
Oh, and "historic niles" makes me chuckle. Does that little community still do their annual garage sale? I can still see the dress form I walked away from and have been kicking myself ever since!
you are so cool! I want to come out and play with you someday sooN!
What a great post! I love everything you photographed and I so jealous I didn't visit too.
I'm tagging you for a meme:
Give the meaning of your kids’ names, and write about what or how or why you gave the name to your kids. Tag five people to play along and leave a comment at their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
Everything (well, almost everything) about this post put a huge smile across my face. Such bitter goodness! The felted birds are painfuly cute, and I'm so glad the eggs are such a hit.
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. There are bad motorcycle vibes in the air this week. I hope you and your friends are coping well.
Very bitter-sweet events in your life right now!
I do love the birds and the new craft books too fun.
I LOVE the little birdies and those eggs are just lovely!
I do miss me some Niles now that I live in NV. I am in love with the bead store Kiowa Rose. Sigh.
Maybe I will sweep into Santa Cruz for a day o' craft. Love that you got some hang time with Futuregirl - yay for bloggy friends and yay for eggs. I know that Buddha from somewhere, now where was it?
Those goose eggs are a treat! I have forgotten about shopping my wares to local stores--need to pick that up again. I took some lamps to a store and they both sold in less than a month. I wonder why I never tried that again? *duh*
Thanks for the reminder!
I liked seeing pics of you and your blog buddies--how fun!
Sorry to hear about your friend :(
Hooray on the eggs. Will they hurry up and show that episode already.
Oh and I have a picture of my friend Erin and I in the same Japantown cutout. Except I was Godzilla in mine!
Betty! Betty! Come back!
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. :(
I had such a great time with you, Bethany! And, what a rock star you are ... comments from Jennifer Perkins?! You rock.
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