These little tiny guys are from the super cute Japanese craft book, 'Mame Wanko', I got when Futuregirl was in town.
I made them to keep my son and nephew company while they are at my mom's house for 2 weeks, for art camp and some grandparent time.
These guys are about 3 inches tall and I made them out of felt before I attempt the fancy mohair versions featured in the book. I made the aptterns bigger by about 100% for what they were in the book and can't even imagine how you would stuff their bitty legs if you didn't.
Great book though. I expect to have a tiny pack of breed specific pups by the end of the summer!
These are super cute in person, too.
such adorableness!
I'm usually not a tiny dog fan, but these little guys are killing me they're so cute. Maybe it's because they can't yip.
Very, Very cute!
Ha. Like I need any more projects to add to the list. Who cares?!? I'm going to track it down. And use felt, like you.
Oh! Adore these... I'm looking for a cute duck. . . is there a duck pattern in your book??
I think I'm in love with the little one up top. I want to hug him and squeeze him and call him "George."
Those are so cute that I just squealed out loud a little!
Tiny dogs?! Really even tinier than real life?
Oh, they are tres adorable!!!! You increased the size 100%? Holy Toleedo, how would you ever stuff those darn little things??? Yikes! xxxooo
Those are super cute!
I hope you don't miss your son too much while he's visiting Grams.
very cute, hope they behave themselves at grandmas! and more mrs homemaker - pleeeze!!!
Oh that's just stinkin' cute!! My 2 yr old would go wild! Her fav. thing in all the world is a "puppy"
I saw this book yesterday in NY and it made me think of you. Oh my goodness, those little doggies are quite adorable!
Those are just so endearing! I love their gentle look and sweet faces. Adorable!
OMG that book is the cutest...*dies from cuteness*
Geez, I love those dogs! I've made a couple myself. Did you know there is a "More Mame Wanko" book? The dogs in that one are even cuter!
Oh, those are absolutely gorgeous!
These are so cute! Makes ya just want to hug them and squeeze them and call them George!
Oh, how cute! I've been looking for a Chihuahua pattern for a while, but it seems like everything is for the standard floppy-eared dog, or else it looks like a cat instead! ><
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