This is my latest time saving semi-craft. I got a piece of homosote noise dampening board at the huge mega hardware mecca and cut it up with a box knife to appropriate sized pieces. I wrapped it tightly with a couple of lovely pieces of stash fabric. I kept it neutral so that I could highlight my project on it.
I then pinned up the pattern envelope, sewing instructions sheet, all the findings, my tape measure, the smaller cut pattern/fabric pieces, my tailors chalk and seam ripper. I spend way too much time looking for these things as I fuddle my way through most clothing construction.
It is a great way to keep all the bits of the project at arms length and eye level. I had an idea for an improvement though; I am making an arrow "you are here pin" to pin on the instructions too... Because I accidentally read the wrong instructions for the other "view " of the blouse I was making and did an un-necessary facing. Argh.
Thank goodness the extra seam ripper is pinned to the board.
And just in case you were afraid it was all business here at Abode de la Betty:
I think, for now, her name will be Astrid.
Awesome idea! I would steal it, but I can't sew a straight seam to save my life.
See, you didn't need to wish for organization ... you are *getting it done*. :) I love your board so much!
whoa! that project board is AMAZING. and i *love* your wee wonderfuls snail too.
Oooh...I may have to steal your board idea! I have spent too much time looking for tools or instructions while crafting. I like the "you are here" pin plan too. Som,etimes I have to leave a project for a few days and can't remember where I left off.
i am very much in love with Astrid!
What an awesome idea! I love it! I may have to try that myself!!
Love that little fellow!
oh, organization, what a fantastic idea! I'm going to try this out for jewelry projects :)
excellent! I love it - as a useful tool, and so lovely to look at all the components together.
That snail is sooooo great! I love the pink hat. Great idea for organizing the projects, I bet you'll make even more cool stuff now.
Ah I love your ideas! The board is such a good idea (I might steal it!) ;o)
And the snail is super cute! x
So industrious you are! Awesome!
i think we could ALL use a board like that. (clever you) i have to admit i almost peed my pants at the "you are here" arrow until whoops, you were serious!! shows how little i know about sewing...who knew you could make an un-necessary facing (what ever that is :)
What a great idea!! Saving it to remember in the future... :)
very handy dandy (prairie is off school and watching blues clues as i type!) especially for the seam ripper. there seems, along with the hole in the ozone layer over new zealand, a black hole just for that very item. i should hang one around my neck...but the board,mmm, might have to come into being!
I LOVE your board...verrry clever.
Oh, and where did you get your lovely pint-sized mannequin dressform? She's lovely.
It seems to me that your idea board would really increase your opportunity to look at your current project and problem-solve and/or improve what you are doing. Great Idea!
Oh, I love this idea! SO clever! I also like the YOU ARE HERE arrow--I would totally need one of those. :) I love how you can see everything at once: the pattern, the trim, the pieces. Brilliant!
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