These pieces are by a local Santa Cruz artist, Rocky Wagers from a show he had at the Felix Kulpa gallery where my son used to take guitar lessons. (We miss our guitar teacher, Isaac. We hope he comes back to town. If anyone is nearby, and has a recommendation for another guitar teacher.. we are interested!)
Anyway, they reminded me of the impending Spooky Holiday and I though you might enjoy.
I leave you with this..
Maybe, if properly sorted, there is no real trash after all.
Now off I go to play in San Francisco with my son, all freshly 12 years old.
That's one wicked Maynard.
Love these!! I really think that it is true, there is no real garbage, so many things I have thrown away or given away, I wish I had back, because I could make such cool things with them. On the other hand, I could end up as one of those little old ladies with narrow paths through their houses, all the rest being piles of STUFF they were saving to make something out of. Since my husband is just as much of a packrat, we could be in serious danger of that, if we don't occasionally let some of the stuff go...
Love your blog, and your son is SO CUTE with his grill!
Those are fantastic - thanks for sharing them.
Thanks for sharing these! One day I'd love to be as good as this artist.
Happy birthday to your son! These are awesome pieces, and I love your parting comment.
mmm, love this stuff. thanks so much for sharing and inspiring! have fun in sf!
I wish I had stuff like that in my mind.
very cool stuff... creepy, but very cool.
Those are amazing. Hope you had a great birthday day - big twelve, enjoy it.
Oh my goodnesssssssss! The creations are incredible!!! And off to play with your freshly 12 year old son?? How was it?? Fun I hope... and I am sure it was! xxo
I realize I am 3 years late, I found your awesome blog while looking for online pics of Rocky's art, as he will be showing at my shop in December (2010). I love your photos! Permission to use the first one in my ad?
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