So on the big day:
- Jake got his new "grill" going.. red and green.. He will switch to orange and black for the December fitting. Very amusing.
- I made myself a fantastic chocolate cake from scratch, recipe off the back of the Hershey's can is highly recommended.
- and my lovin' husband got me the coolest camera.. Yup.. My first big girl camera. Lots to learn. Canon Rebel ( good name, eh?) EOS XTI.
Let's check this thing out:
Picture of the bead light pull (5 shots to get this one, checking the settings and all):
And one Jake got of the light pull's new part time job as cat toy. (Yes, I let him play with my new goodie. I am trying desperately to be a better sharer. It is not easy. But truly he is a great photographer... better than me.)
Grill documentation:
Photography is fun! i am going to do lots of practice. I have taken 400 pictures in the last 3 days. I love digital. Love It.
And I have been crafting. Really. I am actually working through the Guilt List and have started on an all Handmade Holiday for this year. I had hoped to finish my guilt list before my birthday (old business over, new year=new business ... but I still have 4 people on there.) I will post wip pics if I can't force myself to actually complete anything..
And speaking of old business:
Robiewakenobie.. you get the ring!! But, as usual, Blogger will only let me know you live in Lexington. So, email me, lady!
And Clair in England: You get a birthday goodie too. So you email me too and I will send a surprise... That hopefull will chase your postal blues away.
More Cool stuff coming soon. But for now, I need to run!
Yay for a happy happy birthday! You have a little belated bit of spookiness from the buttonbox on it's way to you right now! :)
OH..Happy Birthday! Enjoy the new camera...they really are the best!! I heart my Cannon...
Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday :)
Happy, happy birthday, one day late! Have a great time with your camera - the photo you got of your kitty is awesome.
Happy belated Bethany and a new camera - ooooh. The settings will drive you mad.
Happy, Happy (belated) birthday!
happy birthday!!
(i share one w/ringo, btw. that has always bummed me out.)
wow, what a birthday. (now i want chocolate cake. oh yeah, AND A FANCY PANTS CAMERA.)
glad it was so wonderful!
Many happy returns of the day.
Happy Birthday! I have always wondered about that chocolate cake recipe...I'll finally have to try it!
Happiest of days! And yes,that is a beautiful face. Those eyes, oh my.
Happy belated! What a great gift from the husband. I've been looking at cameras and cannot figure out what to get. It makes my head spin.
The kid is very handsome!
Happy Birthday! The Hershey's cake is the best — only I always double the frosting. Can't have too much, you know!
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