I was really thrilled to get an Honorable Mention in the Craft Magazine Apron Contest for the Utility Obi!! Thanks, Guys!!!

I have been working with my favorite partner in craft, Michelle from Green Kitchen, to launch the Utility obis into my Etsy shop... That is right! An actual update! And Michelle will be launching her shop for the first time.
She is responsible for this great photography! And that gorgeous kansashi. Thanks Michelle.
The Update will happen at 12 noon pst on Monday..
Want a partial preview? Check it Out Here.
I want to say thanks so much to Sonya for coming to see me at the show ( which i am still trying to dig out from.. Hence my Absence..) and say Thanks to Danielle for swapping with me there.. I will be featuring my new friend on a soon to be upcoming post on my favorite big kid toys.
So Obviously... I have a lot to be Thankful for...
Thanks.. Happy Thanksgiving...
And I'll see ya'll Monday!
Thanks.. Happy Thanksgiving...
And I'll see ya'll Monday!
Congratulations! The utility obi is gorgeous and these photos really make me want one.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Love the obi. Can't wait to see what all you put in the shop. Great photos btw.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Your welcome, I'm just glad I was able to get my very own Utili-Obi. Oh yes all you Bitter Betty readers -
Get. Your. Utili-Obi. Now.
Th pictures are fantastic! I love the Utility Obi. Some women want to diet down to lingerie, but I want to diet down to one of your creations!
Happy Thanksgiving!
GREAT PHOTOS! You guys are an unstoppable team. :)
Oh..... I am LOVING the colors and the Obi.. well I think it speaks for it's self. You are totally rockin it!
The pictures really are fantastic! That's so cool that Michele is launching a shop too.
how wonderful1 i do love those obis!!! Good luck with your shop update!!!
I hope you had a fab Thanksgiving :)
I forgot that Monday is my work day at co-op. Doh! Give me a call if you can.
Congratulations on getting an honorable mention!
Congrats! I love the obi I bought from you at the Spring Handmade Parade! I get a lot of compliments on it too.
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