Thanks for being supportive about my tantrum. You truly are beautiful and perfect.. And if you aren't happy right now..I bet you get there soon. I am better. I had to take a 24 hour blog break.
I went to bed early. I cleaned out my craft cave.. But now it's full and I still have 3 table tops of craft crap to re-insert. Oy. Too Much of a Good Thing. It is a good problem to have.
But Hey let's talk about the fact that I went to the thrift store for zippers this week and I found 7 of them. Item specific thrift? Yes, Virginia.. It can Happen for you.
Even when you are all whiney... the universe can provide.
Oh and I got this cute vintage sewing basket too. I think I will reinforce, clean, repair and outfit it with all manner of handmade and vintage-y notions and add it to my Etsy store. Maybe by Monday.
edit: make that next Monday!
We all have times when we need to let out our frustrations--and then suddenly things seem so much more manageable after that.
Great find--the basket will make a lovely sewing tool.
I love it when I thrift with something specific and actually get lucky enough to find it!
ohhhh do you need more zippers?..oh course now that i say that they will be all gone.. but lately there have been bags and bags of zippers at my thrift... I picked up 2 bags that neetted me 20+ zippers but I bet there are still some more.
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