(Spoiler Alert: Family: It is time for you to stop reading the blog from now until Xmas,
unless you want your surprises ruined.)
unless you want your surprises ruined.)
Here at Bitter Betty Industries,
all handmade gifts are kitten tested for comfort and durability.
all handmade gifts are kitten tested for comfort and durability.
okay.. I am about ready to start day-drinking.
Hanukkah started last night...candle free here. Ran out of candles.. didn't have time to hunt down the menorah. If I find it tonight that will be the miracle of the lamp, 2007 style.

I am very nearly done with my Hanukkah gifts for my husband's side of the family. We exchange all in one night, Saturday, this year. I have to make wings for a dress up costume, sew a hat to a birdie's head, press and detail a purse ensemble ( matching tissue holder, cosmetic bag, coin purse and checkbook cover). And then wrap everything and pack it for a plane trip. Only one gift not handmade.
Handmade for my Father in Law turned out to be a hurdle I couldn't jump.
My side... The vastly huger side, still isn't even started. ( Yes, I know 'huger' ( say: huge- r) isn't a word, but sometimes I roll like that ... you know, like, illiterate.) I think I know what I want to make for everyone, which is good... But the list is long and varied.
It will be a very action packed next few weeks.
Last year I told myself I was going to start in January. Make a few gifts a month and then by December just cookies and decorating... What the Hell Happened to That Plan?
I went to get some supplies at Micheal's and Target (of all places) and had a panic attack just being in the stores. It is bugging me a little how much I am buying to make presents. It is supposed to be simpler, less impact on the planet, a better idea.. But I am still shopping quite a bit. It feels ironic, not funny ironic... more like, hypocritical ironic.
Busy Busy Busy.. Consume Mass Quantities... bigger, Better, Faster, Brighter,
More, More, More.
I need to soothe my soul. I need to breathe.
I need Inner Peace on Earth.
Next year I am going to be less like Betty and More Like Lenore.
Tomorrow, I promise: Less Woe.. More HoHoHo.
Hanukkah started last night...candle free here. Ran out of candles.. didn't have time to hunt down the menorah. If I find it tonight that will be the miracle of the lamp, 2007 style.
I am very nearly done with my Hanukkah gifts for my husband's side of the family. We exchange all in one night, Saturday, this year. I have to make wings for a dress up costume, sew a hat to a birdie's head, press and detail a purse ensemble ( matching tissue holder, cosmetic bag, coin purse and checkbook cover). And then wrap everything and pack it for a plane trip. Only one gift not handmade.
Handmade for my Father in Law turned out to be a hurdle I couldn't jump.
My side... The vastly huger side, still isn't even started. ( Yes, I know 'huger' ( say: huge- r) isn't a word, but sometimes I roll like that ... you know, like, illiterate.) I think I know what I want to make for everyone, which is good... But the list is long and varied.
It will be a very action packed next few weeks.
Last year I told myself I was going to start in January. Make a few gifts a month and then by December just cookies and decorating... What the Hell Happened to That Plan?
I went to get some supplies at Micheal's and Target (of all places) and had a panic attack just being in the stores. It is bugging me a little how much I am buying to make presents. It is supposed to be simpler, less impact on the planet, a better idea.. But I am still shopping quite a bit. It feels ironic, not funny ironic... more like, hypocritical ironic.
Busy Busy Busy.. Consume Mass Quantities... bigger, Better, Faster, Brighter,
More, More, More.
I need to soothe my soul. I need to breathe.
I need Inner Peace on Earth.
Next year I am going to be less like Betty and More Like Lenore.
Tomorrow, I promise: Less Woe.. More HoHoHo.
good luck! you can do it. and Happy Hanukkah!
Happy Hanukkah! And a big "amen" about Lenore. She rocks.
I know a group of ladies who make gifts on the 25th of each month, starting in January.
Hmph. Smarty pants ladies.
Betty, I've been a lurker for a while :) I really enjoy reading your blog and I have been feeling the same way lately. I opted to make afghans for family members for christmas. Great idea in theory but it seems like a bigger expense and more work than just regular store bought gifts..
The one thing that has helped me through these feelings is knowing that this is something they'll be able to have for the rest of their lives that couldn't be bought in a store. I know they'll treasure the afghans 100 times more than anything that I could possibly purchase in a store.. it makes it worth it ;)
dude, i need That Plan as well.
and to think, i was makin' fun of people (in my head, of course) for making christmas presents in february.
guess who feels like an ass now.
Being less of a consumer and making better choices ecologically aren't the only benefits to making christmas gifts yourself. To me a large part of it is putting the thoughtfulness and care back into gift giving. Maybe you have to buy supplies for each project, but making the gifts yourself is like putting some of yourself into each package you give.
Which I realize sounds insufferably corny. Part of the whole DIY is taking our lives back from big corporations. But we still have to depend on some big companies for our raw materials, as people have had to do for hundreds of years.
So go easy on yourself. Making beautiful things for the people we care about, especially if they are made well, are less likely to end up in a landfill next year.
Happy Hannukah! Like I've been telling myself - "just remember, mid-June you'll be wishing it was this time of year". Have fun, and take it easy.
i hear you lady. i break out in a cold sweat when i'm in the stores.
and i had to race into the basement, pull out the second tub of holiday decorations, dig out the menorah, just in time for sunset yesterday.
i did think of candles ahead of time though.
LOL! Oh my gosh. Sounds like you're in quite a pickle there with your gift giving. And the pamphlet on how to make an emergency menorah is a hoot!
WOW! I wanna be more like Lenore too! What a loving tradition! And so many Grandchildren!!!! WoW! Congrats on doing handmade! I am trying but am not sure if I can get all mine finished ( thats nothing new!) I often feel the same way when I go spend a bunch of money on supplies to make stuff that I might have been able to just buy a small something cheaper- but it wouldn't have the "love" stitched in. Everything at Michael's is made in China too- once I started looking at the labels I knew I was in trouble! ps. I love, love, love my gnomie purse. thank you. happy holidays!
Happy Hanukkah to you and your family!
Love your blog but I am not good at leaving comments.
The Emergency Menorah is such a neat idea. I may have to try it out.
I sooooooooo KNOW what you mean!!! I wanted to make treats for gifts, but the supplies turned into 4 sotres and 400 bucks!! What?? I thought I was making my gifts.. Oh well, sigh, we try.... I am sure our creations will be good thought, they better be, I threaten myself with that phrase!! hahaha xxoo
I'm a bit confused~~what does HO Ho Ho have to do with your Holiday?
Thanks for the happy a holiday wishes friends!
Just to clear up confusion for The Red Velvet Shoe aand any ohers who are scratching their heads at that post..
My husband is Jewish.. I am, well, on a personal spiritual journey that defies a specific religious context.. But Santa comes to my house.
Which is of course why my side of the family's gifts are still "in progress".. That and generalized laziness and procrastination.
You're funny when you're manic.
I think the best thing that I might have finally gotten through my head is that.. this too shall pass. And even if this holiday is not the be all end all of holidays is will be warm and bright and we can try again next year. When you think about it...it's a lot of presssure to put on just one holiday.. even if you get more than a week of nights to celebrate..of like Christams one day to make every dream come true.. PRESSURE.. too much.. so be kind to yourself and remember that is you must drink before noon that champange in orange juice is the liquid help of choice :)
We limited our Hanukkah prizes to $10 per night which took some creative shopping and a few hand made items, but it worked out okay.
Since I was traveling for the first three nights, we're doubling up on the gifts until we get caught up, all official like.
Sonya: I thought she's funny when she's jealous -- maybe both, or always.
My siblings and I made a handmade pledge among ourselves, and I'm finding, too, that it's all a bit ironic as I've been shopping as much for supplies as I would have shopped for finished products. The one stipulation that helps is that vintage/antique items are allowed, so at least some things aren't landfill fillers.
Will you be posting photos of your creations?
Oh, yeah. "Start in January," I told myself. "Make a coupla things each month," I said. "It'll be easy, and handmade!" Ha. Here's a daytime toast to the impossibility of it all, and our undying attempts to do it anyway....
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