Second Hand Lions

and Mrs. Henderson Presents

both just made me glad to be alive, you know?
Both are beautiful to look at.
And both made getting older seem like the adventure might just be starting.
I let Jacob see both as well even thought Mrs. Henderson does have a plethora of boobage.
It was, for a good cause, after all.
I am mostly pro boobs... and anti-serial-killer as far as R ratings go.
RE: Lions. It took me by complete surprise and I loved it much. My peeps are from AK and MO so I recognized the being a kind of archetype, I suppose. Wonderful film.
I will be sure to check out Mrs. Henderson. And YES to boobage vs. mask-wearing, blade-wielding maniacs.
Good call.
LOVE LIONS!! I guess I'll have to see Mrs. Henderson...and the!
We adore Second Hand Lions!! So sweet and funny!
I'll need to see Mrs Henderson now too (are there any decapitations in it? snicker!).
"I am mostly pro boobs... and anti-serial-killer..."
I actually SNORTED with laughter when I read this....
A fabulous sentiment indeed!
Leah xx
Your pro-boob and anti serial killer status makes you a fine movie rater in my opinion.
Makes me want to see Mrs Henderson too.
I've wanted to see Mrs. Henderson if only for the costuming! The movie rating stance is pretty much mine too...
Thank you for the great movie recommendations. I am making a list and these two were not on it. I enjoyed very much your descriptions of your son watching the various movies.
I just watched secondhand lions a few months ago. I really enjoyed it.
Glad to see that you, and lots of your readers, are pro-boob, anti-serial killer. It always amazes me when parents let there kids watch the horror movies, but get squeamish over the orgasm scene in Amalie.
Another pro-boob family here... it was a HUGE issue in my divorce 11 years ago... We don't do *killer* movies but never have a big fit about a tasteful bit of T&A and yet my EX who would show the kids Chuckie for breakfast draged me into court when the kids saw a birth scene in a movie. Go figure... and I won ;-)
I'd meant to see Second Hand Lions when it came out and it totally slipped my mind - thanks for the suggestion. And I, for one, am always up for boobage.
OH! I must watch Miss Betty!! Must must! Love what they made you feel. xo
oh i really want to see the 2nd hand lions - i just watched the trailer. i like! i don't think its come to bottom of the earth yet.
prairie and i have just watched roman holiday. i felt it was time her audrey education began!
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