Wednesday, January 02, 2008

WIP: Bitter Betty's Crafty Manifesto

I am working on my Manifesto, My Mission Statement.
It is the first and perhaps only real "Re-soul-ution" that I will undertake until I get my kid back to school and my husband back to work.

I am Not Finished With It yet.. but was inspired by this quote:

"Imagination is the beginning of creation. You Imagine what you Desire, you Will what you Imagine, and at last you Create what you Will."
George Bernard Shaw

and of course:

"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

Taking a couple days to clear my vision..
be right back.


Heidi Ann said...

We'll be waiting!!

Maddie Kertay- The Domestic Anarchist said...

Ah, this sounds like a profound idea and I will be interested in what you come up with. It's been on my mind for a while now. Especially as a mom and a wife there is not much time for me so my craft time is real *me* time.. but it also means more..


Anonymous said...

This is a good idea. I would expect nothing less of you, though. :D

futuregirl said...

Great picture! I can't wait to see your Manifesto. I know we were both wanting to write one about a million years ago. I love the quotes you're using for inspiration. Awesome ...

Hyena In Petticoats said...

Happy New Year, Lady!
(in case you don't know, 'lady' is term of endearment du jour around here...)

Can't wait to see what the manifesto says - I'm too lazy to even think about writing one, but it could help with getting the post-NY groove back...

Looking forward to seeing what you get up to this year...

Leah xxx

Sonya said...

Manifest away.

Anonymous said...

I'm catching up on my blog reading and was so glad you had a new post. I can't wait to see the manifesto. Shaw is one of my favorite playwrights...a dry sense of humor that I lack, but appreciate.

Anonymous said...

Ok, watching the weather and a bit worried about you! Hope you are warm and safe.

Anonymous said...

that Gandhi quote is words to live by.

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