perhaps you could have better spent your time,
I dunno, checking bloglines, cleaning the fridge or something...maybe.)
I have a couple of finished New Vintage pieces that I need to post but ever since my photographer was accused, by a peer, of being a "mama's boy" after a photography session, I am having a hard time getting into his schedule. I have a third item "In Progress" that is going to be great but stalled when I had zipper trouble. The smallest problem and I hit dead stop with some of these things. It needs to be revived though. I just need some self discipline.
I am going to be making some Sign Language Sampler Kits for my shop too. I am working on stitching my third and they are really fun to make. So far I have made Vote, Practice, and now I am working on Build.
Mrs. Home Maker will be back in Blogland in the next couple of days, because she really adored basking in all your kind comments. As do I, my dears, as do I..
i was reading your blog when you were commenting on my blog! yes, my dog is so pitiful in a sweet and silly way. we dress him up and basically make his life miserable, cause well its cute!
i totally understand about making something silly like a robot needle case just because! i usually do crafty things to avoid the dishes or laundry! lately during miriam's nap time the cozy unmade bed has been calling my name to curl up and take a nap. cold weather does it to me!
Robot needlecases?!?! Beep bop bee boop = I love you.
Ack ... you've got a double "http:" on the link to the Sign Language Samplers and the links not working ... you can delete this comment. :)
Thanks Alice...
ohhhh, you are so right.. there is something about those *days* that makes me want to bury myself in my room and just craft. Lucky for me I am so..ummmm, hard to be around..uhh yeh.. during those days that people around here pretty much let me do that.
As for your Mama's boy.. the correct phrase is Rennissance man! ( but I bet I spelled that wrong).. my 9 year old, sews, paints, cooks AND he even installed the hardwood flooring in his new sewing studio a few weeks ago... yeh.. all by himself.
Tell him that girls really *go* for a guy that is so talented. I nearly fell over the other day at church to find 4-6 girls clustered around Greg as he was knitting a new scarf.. and I don't think he minded the *girl* attention one bit ;-)
Robot needlecase? I am in AWE of everything you make...
I can't wait for Mrs Home Maker to be back with new stories. Until then, I send her my kind regards.
i needs (yes, NEEDS) one of them there robot thingies.
i don't care HOW long it took you to make it, it's awesome!
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