Sunday, July 13, 2008

Made It Myself Monday: Market Umbrella Bean Tent

I have done a fair amount of gardening this year.. which is very evident in the scant amount of clothing I have made. (Another shining example of You can have it All... but not all at once.)

I had a bit of an epiphany when I was putting in the garden and cleaning out the storage area at the same time. We had a canvas market umbrella that had a fine frame but the cover was shot. I kept thinking I would sew a new cover but that is not the kind of item that makes it to the top of my sewing priority list too easily...
So, my husband said, "Should we toss this? We have too much junk!"

"I'm Going to Use That!"

"I will use it today."

And I did~!

Bamboo poles are the uprights tied with twine. I planted climbing peas in march and two kinds of beans shortly there after. Those blossoms are from the Scarlett Runners.When the peas were done, the beans swiftly took over and I couldn't be more pleased.

And especially for Susan:

Gratuitous puppy cheesecake photo.


Anonymous said...

your garden is doing so well!! nothing's grown above knee height this year for us, it's just too cold... i like your bean umbrella!

Amy said...

what a great idea!

katy said...

brillant idea! I love repurposing things! Are those scarlet runner beans? We grew those last year and the blossoms attracted so many hummingbirds.

Anonymous said...

Clever idea! And triple-sustainable: growing your own food *and* saving something from the landfill *and* not purchasing new bean poles. Well done. :)

Teena Vallerine said...

Our garden brolly still bits of canvas clinging to it but I'm sore tempted to just leave it open the next time we have a gale so I can use the frame as a bean-pole instead! It looks wonderful! We've had such wet summers we hardly need a sun brolly anyway! t.x

Angelina said...

I have two ratty market umbrella covers so I was thinking of trying to make new ones but this is another great thing to do with the skeleton. What a great idea!

More about this puppy please.

Anonymous said...

Super clever! I always grow bush beans because I can't deal with having to make a trellis!

Lisa said...

I don't know if this would interest you or not, but...

Sonya said...

Puppy Cheesecake - you should charge for that! And your garden is looking lovely. You upcycle like it was breathing oh Bitter One.

Anonymous said...

oh that's excellent! and holy edible puppy! please pack and send my way for immediate consumption. smooches!

Anonymous said...

you genius, you! :)

T2 said...

If I didn't know better, I would think you were posting the puppy cheesecake for MY Susan. She's a sucker for a puppy face.

She just looked over my shoulder and began to melt.

Good work...and great idea with the umbrella. Clever as hell, lady.

Natasha said...

Brillant!! What a great idea now i could kick my self for getting ride of our when the lower half snapped off...argh

Anonymous said...

What a great idea. We gave a lot of green space here at our condo..enough that in one of the fields, every resident could have a garden...I'm going to lobby hard at the meeting next month that starting next summer anyone who wants a plot should get one.

Natalie said...

Ingenious. Repurposed and created a great structure in the garden. The beans seem very happy & so does that super cute pup!

Jessica said...

What a cleaver gal you are! I am so jelous of your garden. because we manage and live at a motel right now, I have no wear to garden. I have a couple pots of herbs, and a couple tomatoes. I am nervous though, that when the toms come on, I will have rude guests stealing them. Hey, they stole our little bunny, so why not a few cherry toms?

Drewzel said...

I love it, what a great idea!

And there should be a whole blog of puppy cheesecake!!

Lynn said...

The "bean umbrella" would be so cool with an open side and small garden bench under it! Great idea!

Nancy at ManicForMosaics said...

My husband and I have the same EXACT conversation as you two do! Why can't men see the vision we Gals have? They just don't get it!

Your puppy is so CUTE!

Anonymous said...

I just love your blog!!!
Come visit mine some time.
Happy Thursday :)

Unknown said...

Love the umbrella frame!

How long did it take your Scarlet Runners to bloom? I just found a pack (at least I think that is what they are) that I forgot to plant and was wondering if I plant them now if they will blossom before frost.

Anonymous said...

I would sew a new cover but that is not the kind of item that makes it to the top of my sewing priority

Market Umbrellas

Anonymous said...

market umbrella that had a fine frame but the cover was shot..
Market Umbrellas

shaun said...

Are those scarlet runner beans? We grew those last year and the blossoms attracted so many hummingbirds. its best blog, recently i bought garden umbrellas from the online shoppe and they passed three seasons i cant believe that i got them really on the very specious price rates, the best affordable rate, i think any one can buy them easily. You can follow the link here.
Market Umbrellas

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