I am long over due for sharing some serious Blove (you know blove right?... Blog+Love= blove)
Last summer I got to have an amazing day with other bloggers, most whom I knew pretty well from swaps or their close proximity...
But there was another blogger who I did know of (her blog, Scissors Paper Glue , is just lovely) but hadn't made that extra connection with. That day she was so nice and open and fun and it turned out I knew her sister from a favorite crafting experience . It was so fantastic to get to know her better.
She inspired Jacob and shared her camera with him. She was so kind.
He instantly became interested in Polaroid and I found one for him (not as photogenic as mine though...) an he got it for his birthday.
She sent him a birthday present too. Precious discontinued Polaroid film. And a beautiful Polaroid that she took. But above all she gave the present of showing a young man the kind artistic respect that can only inspire, not just creativity but something more...
"But, Mom," he said, " We only met her Once! Why is she so Nice?!"
And she sent a present for me.
It now hangs where I can see it every day and it makes me so Happy.
But that wasn't all. She also wrote a post that made my week and his week too.
Jen, you are so very special. I am so glad we met!
being new to this blogging game i cant get over how kind people, strangers, are! it is almost like an ego boost when you log on and find a comment on your post. i must admit i dont have many people reading my blog but the few that do make me feel so good.
enjoy your sweet gifts from a sweet spirit. xx rosey
i've been missing your blove darilng
hope your doing well and as always i love reading your entries
That is so lovely! Things like that make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!
Your son looks thrilled with his gift!
coming out of my shell to say thank you for this. it made my day. i adore you and jake and am so happy to have you as my pals.
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