Sorry for the long sign off... I switched to Postum and I haven't been able to get out of bed for a week.
I kid, of course. They will be prying my coffee cup from my cold dead hands.
I actually have been sewing like a veritable fiend. I am almost done with a dress for myself and I finished a little dress for a sweet little Muse from New York, both out of fantastic vintage fabrics.
I just love working with vintage fabrics! I used new patterns in classic shapes from the new Burda Magazine I picked up last Monday, so the dresses still look "vintage-y". I liked using the magazine patterns. It was my first time with a Burda Magazine and I have to say.. It was Well Worth The Money. In fact the stuff in the new issue is looking so yummy, I may have to subscribe or something. It won't keep me from sewing true New Vintage... but it might help me work through this stash!
It's finally sunny today so I hope to get a couple of quick snapshots to share.
Oh and I have a Thrift Thursday Tutorial tomorrow. Wooo Hooo.
And I have made a cute little crop of mushroom babies.
Busy, busy, busy.
Thank You, Caffeine. You poor maligned darling.
You are my best friend.
You bet. I will not ever (ever!) give up the coffee.
Coffee is my very special friend as well.
I thought that read 'possum' at first. Can't wait to see the results of the fiendish sewing. And to continue the vein of coffee - I like it, but only occasionally. Weird, I know.
I'll have another coffee, please. Pam
YES! We ARE the coffee generation, the coffee achievers!
Caffeine gets around. I hear she's BFF with millions of night people facing an early call :D
with you all the way on that one - bff for moi aussi!!
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