Sometimes it seems like so long between respectable blog posts with actual finished projects in
them, But today I will deliver some proof that I still really do craft it up here in the cabin.
These little goodies have long been in the hands of their recipients.
This is yet another western shirt. This one was for my punk-rock college roommate, Sue. I just love her to death, and I'm so glad we are still friends after all these years. I love the way it came out. That is now the pattern I have repeated the most.
Ullis won the book and Needles... Hooray! Crazy about a crafty Svenska Flicka, any day of the week!
I am sorry I haven't been blogging more.
Last week I got toally caught up in making a new tutorial for Sew, Mama, Sew.
Big Big Thanks to anyone coming over from there and to all the great commenters.
You all rule!
I have a piping tutorial I'm working on and I hit the thrifty vintage sewing motherlode. I promise to reveal all! ( Of the thrift, that is.)
And I have some finished New Vintage Fun just waiting for a photoshoot.
And a special shout out to Susan and Mary B. who sent and left me messages that totally made my day!
Craft On, Craftstars,
Glad to see you back.. have missed your spirit!
Thank you thank you thank you!! :)
I'll email my addy to you.
I just can't wait to di some of the projects in the book!
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