Every thing's calm now, but I have been off line due to a major cave-in at the craft cave.
That last batch of thrift goodies kind of set off some sort of crafty, critical mass, stash avalanche. By the time I heard the rumbling, I was buried under 6 feet of exquisite thrifty craft treasure, I can't possibly live without...all quite shoddily stored, in an inadequate and badly lit space.
Before the end, I would be injured, and it would take Lassie, Oprah, and several volunteers from the staff at Martha Stewart Omnimedia before I could be located.
At this stage we lost Oprah, Lassie, and a good 1/3 of the MS gang. I was left with Little Miss "Good Things For Organizing", some little masochist from the recipes cross reference section, and a couple of interns from RISD. Basically, I was on my own.
They amuse me. They were driving the Martha Stewart Interns crazy.
( click image to enlarge)
I am assuming these were for correspondence, and not anything more horrifying.
However, in just under a week and with a minimum of actual blood loss, we were able to cram a sufficient amount of irreplaceable craft treasures back into the hole I love to hate, and this week the craft is back on.
Seriously though, I really learned a lot from going through all my huntings and gatherings. I learned
A) I'm totally lucky to have such a cool bunch of junk.
B) Organization is not my best attribute.
C) The New Vintage Wardrobe just has to come back, bigger and better than ever and...
D) If your stash doesn't make you stronger, it just might kill you.
(love the caftan pattern - you must make)
WV: smallan, a line of modular shelving from IKEA.
I'd keep the labels on those boxes too. ;-)
"If I ever got rid of it, where would I ever find another one of...." SO TRUE! But the small room in our house that I have taken over with my "treasures" is going to spontaneously combust one of these days (according to my husband). But so hard to walk away from a thrift store treasure!
Hi Betty! I just found your blog via a link on Sharon B's pintangles. So glad I did! I love thrifting, old patterns and have my very own stash of Workbasket magazines. You got a terrific haul at your last treasure hunt at the thrift store! Way to go!
Forgot but meant to say - your cat is gorgeous!!
Hugs again!
Holy cow, I love the labels on those boxes. And that Simplicity pattern in the top photo is awesome! Nice work sorting out the stash -- it's been on my to-do list forever, but I keep getting sidetracked by new projects.
Who would have a box devoted to "men friends" anything? I laughed out loud!
Lets hope those boxes were used to store Christmas presents or something :P
Congrats on the cleaning spree! My "craft space" (ie -corner of the bedroom) needs some serious work. So I think I'll take page out of your book!
can't wait to see the new sewing projects!
You are an inspiration to me, but I'll just admire your organization from a distance. I revel in my junky closet!
Oh, and I seriously want that caftan!
I love that label "my men friends"
i = jealous of your tins
if they're ever in need of a home
please think of me ^_^
the drawers I use still bear labels of their former owner; mine say allen keys and furniture instructions, plugs, maps of the Midlands 2003 etc. The labels stand as a salutary reminder to keep craft corralled. And heaven knows, I try. But there was this hatbox full of buttons and haberdashery (notions) and the "psychotic" kitten tin full of vintage buttons... I couldn't resist adding. I think the green things in picture 2 are for trimming hats. Congratulations on a job well done! Lynda, in England.
I love your story telling abilities. Are you for hire? My hubby will make you homemade chocolate cream puffs in exchange for an organized art room. Yes, I pimp out his cooking abilities. You wouldn't enjoy anything I attempt to make.
Thanks for the story!
I posted this bit about my craft room in December. Many months later it still looks a lot like this, but more of the stuff is in bins to appear organized. http://ibbyskibby.wordpress.com/2008/12/05/new-new-craft-room/
It's a moot point, though, since in just a month, the new new craft room is moving into another, smaller room, but with better lighting!
Sara in Salt Lake City
I love the tins. I would probably leave the labels on too, especially if the containers did not contain suspicious dust. My Dad had boxes labelled 'Ties I don't like' and 'Old Girlfriends' so I love colourful labelling.
I had to go through and organize all my stash when my husband renovated my sewing studio. Blogged about here: http://thoroughlymodernvintage.blogspot.com/2009/04/my-creative-space-before-and-after.html
I can't wait to see you New Vintage Wardrobe additions and hope to join in.
Love those labels! I know exactly how being that disorganized can feel, and already went through and tossed out a ton of the "but I MIGHT use this SOME day!" crap that was cluttering up the place.
I also wanted to say thank you. Your website has pushed my interest in clothing making, and I have ordered a book on grading patterns so that I too might have a New Vintage Wardrobe some day...
Hi Betty!! I just recently found your blog & love it.
Just one question... what would be found in such a bin labeled "My Men Friends"? LOL that is great!!
That last pattern is cute, a short version would be nice for summer.
I LOVE this post! I'm envious. I wish I could be covered with a stash 'o' thrifty goodness...especially buttons!
gosh i loved this post!! :D for some unknown reason, those labels are hilarious to me, esp "my men friends". Lol.
The squat tin on the far right? I have the other ones! I adore the pattern and never knew it came in that size...now I'll be obsessed at lawn sales and flea markets trying to find it!
Vintage tins rule!
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