I made these litte snippets for a really lovely project that is being made by a very creative person that I discovered because she left me a comment. I think I failed to reach out to her earlier, but from the moment i followed her profile to her beautiful blog...I not only was fascinated by her project, I actually wanted to be her.
Shelley Noble is making a movie. A beautiful looking, intensely rich picture poem and it is going to move. Like it is alive. It's called Halfland and and it has captured my imagination entirely.
But should these be a tutorial? Does everyone need some fancy tiny jelly fish and a few less doilies?
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!
Please do teach us!
thats cute!
I must have the secret. I love it!
It sounds like you are going to have a wonderful time. Love, love, love the jellyfish!
much to cute darilng and quite loverly at the same time
ahaha ijust made a fish today ^_^
Soooo delicate and pretty!
ACK! Bitter Betty!? But but I want to be YOU!!! I can't do all the incredible things you do and all with the patented, un-duplicatable Bitter Betty panache!
I LOVE THE LACE JELLY FISH SO MUCH!~! They are perfect! I thank you with all my heart. They will look amazing floating along with another type of lace jelly that an artist in Italy (!) also made for the undersea scene! Isn't that fantastic?! I'll have a school of lacey fantastics drifting through!
Your grateful eFriend, Shelley
Yes, please.
Oh yes, goodness I LOVE these jellylace fish! What a wonderful contribution to a fantastic project!!
Yes, please. Me too!
Oh my, I would love to see the tutorial for these!!
oh. my. god. this is extremely beautiful. i'd love to see a tutorial so i could give it a try!
pretty please!
I think it should be absolutely mandatory that everyone have one of these in their house! Yes please for a tutorial!
this is the tutorial I've been waiting for! Yes please!
a tutorial would be very much appreciated, they are beaut.
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