Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thrift Thursday: Buy Fabric to Match Your Cat

Caught a little cold on the plane trip home. 
Bought great vintage zodiac fabric at Addison Studio sale a few weeks ago... 
so This will be Thrift Thursday for re-entry week.

Been distracted by learning Photoshop, but cutting out a cute top from this fabric today.
Amy Butler Cabo halter... But with some restyling.
Nice to get the needle going again.

The weekend is starting to look exciting!


Unknown said...

Great picture! I love how cats find the most inconvenient places to sleep, then dare you to move them. Excited to see what you make out of this great fabric.

Kristina Strain said...

Your cat looks so much like mine.

Stickyknitter said...

I love the cabo halter top-- you'll look great in always do! So glad you had a wonderful vacation and get better soon! Sometimes it's nice to have a little sniffle when you get back, it keeps you from jumping head on into the busy real world faster than you should be anyways....

iamerica said...

So did you effectively master Illustrator and are now moving onto Photoshop???

Julie H said...

What a cute kitty too :)

Jackie said...

i love this idea but I have a black and white cat.
(I love grey cats though...but a B&W walked into our lives 10 years ago..)

ee.spenner said...

Alright, Betty.....I've bought a pattern for an uber cute sundress and enough fabric to screw up at least once...You've made me believe I can do this.

I can do this, right?

Anonymous said...

looks almost identical to my cat!

Kristin L said...

We had a cat that looked like that. No matching fabric tho. The Cabo Halter will be great!

Cathy ~ Tadpoles and Teacups said...

Beautiful cat, beautiful fabric!

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