Oh, I do hope you will all enjoy this inspiring and informative list from Constance Talbot's Complete Book Of Sewing circa 1943.

(click the image to enlarge)
I, for one, can't wait to add a pert bow to my hat...
Is it possible that these fine women restyled their wardrobe mainstays,
stitching on new collars, cuffs and linings to coats, jackets, suits and gloves monthly?
Bright print bolero lining with matching hat. anyone?
Wardrobe Re-Mix in absolute spades!!!
However, there is something to be said for a plan...
and even more to be said for always looking smart!
Look at how put together they looked I wonder what these ladies would think if they saw one of todays Moms out shopping in there pj's. this is a pet peave!
Oh sweet November and black sequined accessories! And how *could* one go wrong with a peplum of rich lame or a print turban? = )
This is so fabulous! Since we are season about here in Australia I checked out October for my advice and noted how it is time for me to get onto my velvet collars, cuffs, dickies and belts. Now if I could just find out what on earth is a "dickie"....
Puts me in mind of my mother who was a woman before her time....a fashion designer in NYC in the 30's and later a Mom in the 40's and 50's who sewed clothing for herself and 5 children, including woolen winter coats and bonnets!
Great memories!
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