This is in my dining room..In the middle of my house. It is my own indoor window where I can put together whatever my little heart desires. ( Unlike the corporately directed displays at "my place of employment".)
I got the cupboard in Petaluma at a flea market.. a whooping 10 bucks.
It is resting on a table salvaged from the house of the grandmother of a friend of mine, when I went to help her clean it out to make it ready for a new family to move in.
It is a great little cupboard because almost anything you put in there looks better.
I change it out for holidays (the Chinese New Year displays are a fave)..
and sometimes for seasons, (this is a summer display)
or if I have a wish to make, ( I put a model of my dream house in there when I wanted to move out of LA.. )
or to show off new treasures I find (like the big bird nest, which I found on the ground while walking with my son..)
This nesting bird, surrounded by leaves of a book, looks just like what I want to be doing this summer. Feathering my nest, surrounded by stories. I am reading Orlando by Virginia Woolf right now, soon to be followed by Confederacy of Dunces and Middlesex. I want to be done with all 3 by Labor day. My own summer reading program...
Did anyone else do that when they were a kid? Summer Reading at the Public Library? I loved summer at the library.. The air conditioning, and the papery smell of the books... At my library when you signed up they posted a construction paper thing on the wall, one per kid, and we filled in the books we read and if you hit the goal there was a watermelon party at the public pool.
If you read all you mean to this summer.. There will be watermelon at my house on Labor day. No pool though.. But we can play in the sprinkler, if you want.
What an amazing idea!
This post really struck a chord with me.
Your display is super uber fantansically cooler than hell. I love taking very personal things and making displays (shrines, alters, bookmarks, whatever) for myself so that I encounter these special objects in my comings and goings. I'm going to be on the lookout for something similar to your cupboard because it looks great.
But the part of your post that sent me into a half hour of nostalgic memeory wandering was the mention of the library. I grew up in tiny towns in the Midwest, mostly in Kansas. We may not have had a McDonalds or a movie theater in town, but we always had a library. I remember sitting crosslegged on the floor between the bookselves with piles books around me and stacked on my lap. The library seemed like the most wonderful place. Anything could be learned at the library. It totally relaxes me to imagine spending hours searching through the shelves of the library. I'm so glad that there is always (at least) one more good book to read.
I loved being taken to the library when I was younger, you never knew what book treasures you would find! I still love to go now and have started taking my son too!, I can't wait until he is old enough for story time sessions! Love your display, I've found another merchandiser,I was trained in this field too!!!
Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet...
Love your little niche.
I love the bookstore. Not that I have anything against the library, but I love bookstores, used, new, specialty. Ahhh, books.
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