This is latest. The Short-sleeved Windmill Overblouse.

Butterick Pattern 2325.. Late 50's Early 60's.
New tricks: in-setting a sleeve: Not too hard. Top stitching. It's easy, But you need two hands. And Go Easy On The Coffee.
Overall I like the blouse. Cute for playing around this summer. But it is boxy, and had to have fittings even after the buttons went on.. Even now as I post, I don't like what the big buttons do to the light weight material and I think I am going to back them with some interfacing because even though they are quirky, I think they "wake up" the blouse.

I had the same problem with this pattern that I had with my other one. The neck holes had to be made larger on both. Women in the late 50's must have had really scrawny necks. You can only discover this after you put the shirt pretty well together as the facing on these collars is one of the later steps. I am now fully bonded with my seam ripper. I also layer this one with a tank because I didn't look at the pattern carefully enough when I was doing the "paper fitting" ( aka: holding up the pattern to your body before cutting to make certain you won't waste you material making something that will only fit your dog.) If I had realized the slit construction was so different from project 2, I would have realized that I needed to add about 3-4 inches in length to avoid showing any belly over the top of my jeans. Nobody wants to see that... Believe me. Pasty and Yucky.
Learn from my mistakes, read your pattern carefully and fully before you cut anything out..

New favorite from the thrifted vintage notions pile: light weight rayon seam binding. I love the look of it and what it does for the hem. So much more elegant than rolled and machine stitched... yes, I am the only one that will see this but I am just loving the challenge of making the insides of the garment look good too.
The crazy photo shoot due to the fact that I hadElla Jenkins singing I am a Funny Little Dutch Girl in my head while I was finishing this up. Must have been the windmills.

As always, NVW Photo credits go to Jacob. (The neighbors think we are nuts!) They are a little blurrier than we like but that is because my photographer had detention for rough housing. Our lives of Fashion are not all glamour after all.
You are so flippin' cute.
you are a total groover! i am still giggling! the blouse is great - good work!
you are so stinking cute.
and i heart your bike.
ditto ditto and ditto.
I am so impressed with the work you are putting into these projects. It's so inspiring that you are learning to do couture details. I am actually shamefully lazy when it comes to my own clothes.
You are also apparently learning all of the lessons I have learned about using patterns. I have started making a first version out of cheap muslin. It helps you really fit it to yourself which you can't do with the tissue because it would rip.
Doing a first fitting with muslin is the way pros do it.
love it!
I can never actually be bothered making a muslin. so instead I try to do some basic paper fitting with the pattern mainly for length. never managed to do much more with the paper fitting approach because of the potential to rip it. after cutting the fabric out, I construct the garment by pinning it together. this was it can be tried on before any sewing. starting doing this after a few annoying episodes where following a pattern has meant doing a lot of finishing before the garment could be fitted - this meant lots of unpicking and refinishing. all too much for the impatient.
wonderful wonderful wonderful!!!! You are insanely adorable and your sense of style is fantastic! BRAVO again!!! Best outfit EVER!!!!
Witchy-poo leggings! Who needs fashion mags. I've got the newly discovered becktress (?) and Bitter Betty. Ya'll rock. Look good. And nice sewing. Love the buttons.
Oh, super super coolio! You rock!
As for the length, Not Martha has a link for knitted belly warmers that would look PERFECT with your little dutch blouse. :D
you are a hoot!! I love the leggings- I am so getting some of those! When I finish this art apron I told my super Fred he will have to take pictures of me with my bike!! It's pink with a basket like yours! I love the tiny top and the details are extra special nice. I am going to try my hand at some skirts next but I applaud your efforts! I hate setting in sleeves! UGH! I am looking forward to the fabulous egg!!!! yahoo! I will be blogging your wonderful wackiness soon, sistah!
Oh, you are my style idol! I totally adore the shirt, fabric, buttons and leggings! Great!
I wonder how those Vogue re-release patterns would compare to the originals. I don't know if they modified them, or if they are exactly the same...Any experience?
I recently found your blog and love it (cool fashion shoots!). I admire your sewing skills...I just made my first attempt this apron from a vintage pattern.
I haven't tried the Vogue Re releases.. But I am curious about them. If I try them... I will Blog Them.
The A team ( Angelina and Angela) I have come up with a Muslin solution... And if all goes well you can wear your first attempt.. Heheh. Stay tuned for chapter 4 in my little saga...
I totally love your blog...great ideas and refreshing style...I`m glad I came to visit!!
love the shirt and the skirt. and the bike. i especially love those red buttons. yum.
You are so adorable that I can't hardly stand it!!!!! I love it!!!! I think the blouse is soo sooo wonderful! You made me feel "as funny as funny could be..." Yippeee!!!! Funny, as in giggling in this case.. giggling with wonderfulness found here.
I love the windmills!!
Very funky look.
And excellent bike.
So adorable,so glad you joined WR . Love the windmill fabric!
Too fun!!! The top is great, and I love those leggings.
I can't get over your Pippilaradelicatessa window-shade longstocking wonderful self! If I was near, I could take my three wheel vintage hollywood schwinn...You could take your wonderfffful bike (don't know what it is, but it looks spectac), and we could go cruisin.....Under all those trees there!!!
You are darling. Seriously. Love the leggings with it. And the bike, amazing. I have a girls pink cruiser but the last thing anyone needs to see is my huge behind moving away. Nice photos by your son. Oh and we used to put small clear buttons on the wrong side behind the buttons as support in the olden days.
Fabulous top, fabulous outfit and fabulous shots! You are fab!
I'm thrilled that you left a comment on my blg since it led me to yours - I LOVE IT. Truth be told, I've only scrolled through the photos so far (I can have an attention problem - reading is hard when there're so many fun things to look at), but I'm totally hooked. This blouse and the other sleeveless one you made a little while back are so stinkin' cute! And the adorned embroidery hoops from a few posts ago are great. You have a new loyal reader!
I am in awe!!!
Also, keep the buttons for sure, the shirt 'aint boxy.
Holy smokes. This post is cute all the way around. I love imagining your son taking all these pictures. What a hilarious memory for you guys to have " ... remember when you craft blogged, Mom ... " so cool.
The shirt is way awesome. I like it layered - isn't that the style these days? You are so intrinsically hip you're even stylish on accident. :)
Hello!-- Say, I help Kristin on the Sew, Mama, Sew site & found your blog via your great review. On the Whip Up site in the sidebar there's a little blurb about unique bags for consideration for a book? Anyhow, I thought you should enter the "rice" bag! There isn't a fee, it looks like, and I think it's just what they seem to be looking for!
That blouse rocks!
Cute, I think it looks great with those leggings. I just found your site and have enjoyed reading your different projects.
You are GREAT!
I love your style and spirit!
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