Because it sure wasn't for the delicious looking color plates that dwelled within.
It was very theraputic to make a fun thrift haul because my last retail therapy was buying a great new pair of jeans. I got lucky and found a pair that fit, were flattering, had those cute pocket flaps, and were relatively cheap. I got them up near my sister's house which is an hour and a half away. I left them in my car, and left my car unlocked in front of my house... and somebody stole them! So frustrating! Did the thief know they were getting a one in a million purchase? Could they possibly understand what a good pair of jeans can mean to a woman of 40 who just put back on all the weight she lost last spring? I knew better than to leave the car unlocked, and as for replacing the jeans, I know that will not be so easy. Jeans and bathing suits... they make the dressing room a battleground. All that therapy... straight down the toilet.
Oh well. At least there was good thrift. And one of the patterns has sailor pants.
sorry about your jeans...I agree that it is hard to find a great pair! Hope your thrift finds cheered you up! Miss your weekly blog!
love, Val
The photo from your cookbook is hilarious. It actually took me a full twenty seconds to figure out what was being served. I also wondered what cookbook on the planet tried to include the thumb that was serving the platter of "whatever it is". Once my eyes adjusted I laughed even more.
Sara in Salt Lake
people are odd... what would possess someone to steal a pair of jeans? they must have been damn good! go bury your head in your red vintage storage box :)
Good lord, I hope those jeans make their behind look huge and they are so short on them they look like high waters! xo, suzy
Jeans? Wow, the economy really *is* affecting people. Great haul, though. :)
Oooh, Ahhh... love your finds! I think I am way overdue for some retail therapy... especially at a thrift shop! Sorry about your jeans. I'm with GeorgiaPeachez... I hope they make their butt look big! ~Michele
Mmmm...Do you think you can make me some of those eggs? They look great.
Dang jeans stealers. It's so hard to find the right pair. I worry about the day that I put my knee through my jeans and they are officially too worn out. I'm not going to find another pair.
When you find that SOB who took your jeans please kndly ask them to bring the GPS they stole out of my car 2 weeks ago!
Ohhh! Yummy finds!
I love the spine on that book, polka dots... *swoon*
holy crap! stolen right from under your nose practically, I wonder what karmic rain will fall on that person...just know they never got the pleasure of trying them on first.
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