This photo goes out to the lovely and talented Laura Capello per her "Ack.. where is the bag?" comment. This is the messenger bag I made. Amy Butler pattern, but not her fabric, because I have a slight preference toward the unexpected. The button is from Craftster.. Because I love an skull craft reference.
I haven't blogged for a bit because I have been really busy actually making stuff .. and also with work, elementary school graduation, Father's Day, impending summer camp, succumbing to mild anxiety attacks about having time for all I want to do, dandelion warfare, birthday parties, clearance sales and occasional half hearted housekeeping.
I have to keep this a quick howdy because I need to finish an overdue swap package.. and for some reason, I ripped all the t-shirts out of my shirt drawer to "organize" them.. They were better organized before I pulled that stunt, because now they are a big pile on the floor instead of a big mess in the drawer.
If I put off either project it will increase the Monday Stress Quotient to "Borderline irritibility.." and that is no good for anyone.
Hopefully I will post more happy craftiness tomorrow.
And hopefully my shirts will be back inside the dresser.
The bag is awesome! I love the fabric, and I really love the skull with siccors!
Glad you're posting again, I can certainly understand your silence though... you've been busy!
good to see you back.... i totally understand the feeling of anxiety, and the inexplicable drive to do something entirely unrealated to alleviating the stress, and possibly adding to it...the t shirt drawer, for example.
love th ebag and button - i think emptying the closets is oone of the best stall tacics ever - though my husband doesn't :)
That fabric is really cool. It's a rad pattern in wonderful colors. The skull is a great touch, too. What craft project *can't* use a skull - or two?
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