So, here are the pieces of jewelry I made in the class taught by Ulla at Castle in the Air in Berkeley. I took the class, one of eight lucky students, who were all very fun and charming ladies.
If you don't subscribe to Ulla's blog, I highly recommend it. It is a visual feast .She posts new treasures, at least daily, if not more.

The class was two days long and she showed us so much more than the basics. She showed the wire work hinge on this piece, on top of the soldering and layering techniques. Of course, creative and impulsive, I rushed out and got the equipment, as though I had both time and room to spare.

This is the other side of the same piece..
There will be nights of beadwork to finish these up and I envision endless days of floors covered with tiny scraps of paper.
Making these tiny windows could become an addiction.
your pieces are lovely and it must have been so much fun to work with Ulla. She is my hero!
I can easily see how those would become an addiction -- they are amazing!
Maybe it is the perspective of the camera, they seem too big to be jewlery; they look almost like suncatchers.
Wow, amazing! I love Ulla's blog and would love to take one of her classes.
The jewelry is amazing. And you got to use power(-ish) tools? What could be more fun?! Now that you have the soldering down, maybe you could make a real robot out of glass, metal, beads and tiny bits of paper. I can already see it whirring it all it's crafty glory. :)
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