Week two and I am still getting used to being home..
I made a new address sign this weekend. Our old one disolved in the rains last winter.

I am getting really inspired by my garden and hopefully next week I will have a project based on all the pretty flowers. In the mean time it is great getting things squared away out there...a little at a time..

Weed wise, we are in the absolute shit. We let the weeds go to seed last year and some more got away from me this spring and summer due to sheer multitudes . Now I am guessing we are about two years behind in having some sense of civility out there. I have to limit my time in the garden becauase I get obsessed.. (I could do that full time too...Grow stuff..)

I guess I am going to need to meet it half way and let it be just a little bit wild.. Wild Garden.. Have you ever seen one? Where I grew up was a quaint gold rush town. small and sleepy.. Sometimes there would be an empty lot where a house had been torn down and there would be a lilac and a rose bush, some fruit trees and bulbs that would sprout and bloom in the spring.. all brambly and twisted..like a ghost planted them. A garden with no house to tame it. Just an old rusty gate where the rest of the fence had fallen down.

A garden in the woods probably should be somewhat that way anyhow...
It all looks so beautiful, I'd love a wild garden. So which Gold Rush town did you grow up in? I'm assuming CA? Not like we have a corner on the Gold Rush market I'm sure but wow now I feel foolish. But still want to know.
I grew up in Tuolumne County. The gardens we would come across were in Sonora and Columbia..
Our house was in Twain Harte. But even in Twain Harte there was less of the "gold rush feel"...
I thought the gold rush was us and later Alaska right?
Okay.. I feel foolish now too.. :)
We like the "natural look". We like everything to look lush and natural, and it helps that we like this look because we don't like to spend every waking moment pulling weeds.
But I do need to get out there this weekend and tackle the onion grass. It's starting to bloom and that is the Worst Weed Ever.
I am constantly making peace with my weeds unintentional place of honor in my garden. I have had no time at all for weeding, consequently there are a few of mythic proportions. To balance this out though, I've had a ton of charming volunteers shaking around in the weeds...cosmos, sunflowers, tiny zinnias, and asters.
I love hearing about other people's gardens. Your dahlias are lovely.
Oh, your flowers are so beautiful! Too bad there aren't weed-killing flowers that could partol the yard for you.
Good day!
what is your favorite color of....mine is blue!
By the way, I love that too! How did you find that?
See you soon! Girly Girl
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