I get so excited about New Year's and Birthdays and anytime I think I can have a starting line to try to do new things.. or set the bar a bit higher.. Silly stuff.. like trying to have more dinner parties.. (next Month.. Chinese new Year Party.. Invites and favors in progress.)

or take better care of my skin. ( No photo.. thank your lucky stars)
Serious stuff like trying to grow my business,
and getting a puppy

(We got the tiny mutt Saturday from a rescue group. She is a miniature dingo as far a we can tell..
and my son named her Opal.)
and making sure the easy going fun of childhood isn't over for my 11 year old (who in an over dramatic adolescent way seems to be practicing for jaded teenage-dom with reckless abandon.)
And getting to know my cute 9 year old half sister better..

I also just want to see some change around my abode. Some malingering projects need to get off the 'to do' list.
Three years ago when we bought this little house in the woods, I was thrilled to finally get to paint and decorate my rooms with the freedom a rental lifestyle generally won't allow. Some things I did were great. For instance, I love the golden yellow we put in our living room.
Some things were terrible. My bedroom is on it's 3rd color.. on both the walls and the floor. I am stuck. It is like that room is cursed.That will have to stay on the "to do" list a while longer.
Some things just weren't meant to last. I put up black toille curtains, in the kitchen. It looked sophisticated and unusual to me at the time. Maybe a little Edgar Allen Poe.. but in a good way.
The hub hated it. Too girly for him. He's not inclined toward fluff of any type. He is a real mid century modern type. I told him ..
"Tough Beans. It's toille baby and you're gonna love it. I am a stylist.. I Know What I am Doing!"
Umm, I suffer from trendy short sightedness, now I need a change.
Yes partially it has to do with my husband being right.. I think it has to do with blogging too. It makes me rethink my "style stance" all the time. The stuff that makes me envious is often modern. It looks so sophisticated. Not "black toille" sophisticated like "Really Stylish and Sophisticated". Great color, line, form, photography.. If you get around 'blogland' you know what I am talking about.
So anyway.. It's Tuesday but it is getting dark and all I have is this weeks WIP photo.

I have to get sewing tonight because the pup training is no cake walk, and I have to call in as a back up jury duty person at 5:30. ("Errr.. I am sorry, your honor.. I have a new pup and a ton of crafts to do. Can't do the old civic duty.. sorry. Besides 'evidence' makes me squeamish.") Also I am hoping for a couple of necklace orders from some shops I just started working with/ talking to...( finger crossed.. toes crossed.)
I will be putting up a few new necklaces on Etsy as I have finally made a sale and am down to 3 on there.
Here they are for a preview. They will be in the shop by Wednesday night, unless Etsy is broken..

Please feel free to get 'em while they're hot.
I made the "better care of my skin" one too. All part of my "be vainer" resolution for the new year! I'm afraid it's all a sign of the times.
congrats on the little mutt! opal is a beauty and i hope we see more of her.
you did a good thing when you adopted thru a rescue!
if you showed the judge a picture of the puppy i am certain they would 'let you off'. have fun, she's a cutie. and, i am (or should be) inspired by all that you are doing!!!
they are beeeutiful! I love the pic of you and the kids! Your son looks like you! Yay for new beginnings!
awww, the pup is soooo cute!!!
i love the gold Buddahs! I always dream of having swank dinner parties, but we never manage pull it off! I am a terrible planner! But there's no doubt that yours will be lovely, you can't go wrong with a fantastic theme like that! :D
The new necklaces are gooooorgeous! I covet them very very much and have been hinting to Hub about things that make GOOD Valentine presents...like Bitter Betty jewelry!! Hope he pays attention! LOL!
Oh, I wanna dingo, too! He's too freakin' cute.
Your little sister is adorable! How weird that your 11 year old has a 9 year old aunt. :)
I totally wish I could attend one of your dinner parties this year ... I bet they're going to be great. You'll have to share pictures with all of us.
i'm sorry, did you say something? i was too busy drooling over your coat.
perhaps that is what you should paint your bedroom next.
I sold one of your necklaces and one of your boxes in the last few days!
That puppy looks so cute I could eat her. I am glad it's not me puppy training any more.
I really enjoyed this post.
Good luck on the new stores, fingers are crossed!
Great work as usual, and a wonderful photo of you!
SOunds like you've got the ball rolling! The puppy is darling. Can't wait to see the invites. Love the little buddahs.
Ah, I have a bit of that beautiful brown polka-dot fabric left-over from a few doll projects. It's a great print, colorful and cheery.
Decorating houses seems to be a never-ending saga. It's fun, but at times you wish that you could snap your fingers and have it be perfect. Good luck to the new kitchen design.
Opal is such a great name for a pup! I have also felt a shift to more modern clean lines having been in blogland for a while. Good luck with all the crafting and jury duty. I just got a postponement for my jury duty.
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