A How-To Sewing Comic!
(another Perfect Gift from my pal Lindy!!)

(Click on the image for a bigger version.)
This Sally Stitch does not mess around! There are great Sewing Kung Fu moves in this and I hope to republish a chapter a week for all you new New Vintage sewing novices out there!
My favorite lines?
"Remember- Clothes are an expression of your personality." ( All the vintage wardrobe and charm books have really covered this extensively. In fact there appear to be only about 6 personalites out there for women of the mid century era.. but more on that later. Including a handy "Clothing Personality Pigeonholing Chart" for you to use at home!)
and, of course, the line on the first page: " And there's extra money in the budget Thanks to my new sewing machine Know-How..." Is this lady gunning for an evening out in the cute little suit or wha-at?
Looks like if the Hub won't spring for some spring rolls the wolf whistling paper boy might be willing!
and finally without further ado:
the 7 things me-me ( brought to you by Christelle at http://makingthingslady.blogspot.com/)
1) My middle name is Paige. That could make me Betty Paige but since my first name is really Bethany, that would be stretching it... and besides that name is already taken.
2) I am the eldest sister in my family; There are also Sarah, Lassen, and Amelia.
3)My favorite color is usually red. but I waffle.
4) I like to "cook big" for company, but for general dinners I am remarkably lazy.
5) I used to be as obessessed with my garden as I am with sewing.. but the deer jaded me.
6) I have read 10 books already this year... not counting sewing and craft books which I really skim, more than read.
7) I am just dying to print my own fabric. I picture a lino block/ silkscreen/ batik party with clothes lines draped with gorgeous one of a kind fabric. I think about it about 3 times a day for the last few weeks.
I tag: umm, whomever wants to play.
My next meme is the "Origin of Your Child's Name." and i will get it done very soon..
But now.. off to "save money" at the fabric store!
That is simply brilliant! Can't wait for the next installment of Sally Stitch.
Hope you found something wonderful at the fabric store. ;)
Love this! This would be a cute print-it-yourself fabric project...
The "clothes are an expression of your personality" is my favorite line. What were they thinking?!? Love the 7 random bits about you - it always kills me to have to come up with that stuff, but I do love reading someone else's fun list.
the more i try stuff on the more i want to make my own damn clothes.
do you think i can?
I guess since I'm divorced I could be Ms. Home Maker? Let's do another swap, hand-printed fabric...I've been thinking about it too!
Oh, damn. I had hoped to hear about the 6 personalities...do tell more!
When you do the origin of child's name thingy perhaps you could have your mom do a guest-post about the origin of Lassen!!!???
delightful! That Sally is helping me all right! That machine must be a hemi btw! 1350 in seconds flat! Can't wait for the next chapter! Thanks, oh, bitter one! what a hoot!
Oh, you must post the rest of the comic!
Ok, so is Mrs. Home Maker the wife of Mr. Home Maker? Because I'd like to see that. Heh.
You're going to be the next Alice Temperly, aren't you?
can't. stop. giggling. Need more! I *must* know how Mrs. Homemaker fares in her frugality-filled sewing adventure!
(Oh Man, fabric printed with those comics would be the coolest of cool!)
"Saving money" at the fabric store! HAHAHA! is that humanly possible?
That comic is superb ... that "know how" phrase crops up again. It's in a simplicity sewing video of thr 1950s ... man that cracks me up too.
Comics, who'd have thunk? And as for the fabric printing, there must be something in the air I am all over that one as well. I need to learn how to wood block print - know how to linocut, just never did it to a block o' wood. Also Mr. Knitsonya knows how to screenprint. See why I love him so?
let me tell you about "saving money" at the fabric store. i went to the fabric store on saturday to buy a replacement bulb for loretta (my sewing machine). i ended up spending $70 on two blubs, a couple yards of fabric, a few spools of thread and one to many packets of bias tape. sometimes i wish they had a giant robby the robot in front of the fabric store waving his arms saying DANGER DANGER!!! except that would prolly make me want to go inside even more.
hey, if y'all start a hand-printed fabric swap, i'm in too. i've been thinking about printing my own fabric for the past couple years, and this just may be the kick start i need.
Betty Paige... I don't think that is stretching it at all... You have the name too, Period. hehehe. Also, Your sisters have lovely names too! And, oh so many girls under one roof. What was that like?? Did you all get along??? My clothing is a direct expression of my personality. All black. ahahahaha. SO funny!!! xxo
I've always wanted to figure out how much of my own stuff I'd have to sew before the darn sewing machine could be considered paid off, but that's way too much math for me. Good thing the sewing machine was a gift. The comic inspired me....
Did Sally Stitch have a sister with the name of Pamela Pots or maybe Paula Pans? I'm sure she convinced my mom to buy some in 1949. Good thing, too 'cause I've got them now.
May I add #8 to your 7 things? Thank you. :)
#8 You have one of the best blog headers around (and a very catchy blog name)
Love it!
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