Well, Yee- Haw... Let's git to swappin'!
Gwen... Graphic and funky is great!
Please join in! I put you on the list!
Everyone else is on board. Dorie is the last "new" signup.... and we are off. No Rules! No Boundaries!
Except: Please get it to me here in California during the last week of July.
We are swapping fat quarters which is a half of a HALF (..oops.. revised..) yard of fabric .. aka: 18x22 inches. Hand embellished with paints, ink or dyes..
If your fabric requires special washing or something.. it would be great if you could include a "care slip".
I will sort and send out the first week in August.. You inclusion of a bit of money (or stamps) for postage will be appreciated.
You will recieve the same # of fat quarters as you send. (The swap is for 4-6.. but I am willing to go as far as 8 with a group this big!)
Email me: bitterbetty13 ( at ) sbcglobal ( dot) net.. So I have a real email for everyone (blogger doesn't often provide that info to me) and also if you include your address, I can start address labels. And I will send my address back to you!
This is really exciting! Thanks everyone who signed up and all the well wishers too!
Now with no further ado:
Sally Stitch shows us seams!!
This is fun but these are a great little reference for doing the seam finishes.. There are a few more pages to this chapter that I will upload .. But great clear demonstrations.

Sadly, less catty remarks about Mrs. Home Maker's recklessness with "her husband's money".
(Oh, Puh-leeeeeze.)
( And I guess her husband's first name is Home... maybe short for Homer?)
But if you learn and use these tricks you will feel so clever and detail oriented that it will make you look 10 to 12 years younger.
The second half of chapter one will be published shortly. It includes 5 more seams, a helpful hints page and more of those humorous stick figures in the titles! And as a bonus we will include "Your Wardrobe Personality Profiler"..
All for the low, low, price of Free..
I think it's 1/2 yard cut in half vertically. Your measurements are right, though.
This is going to be really exciting.
i am intrigued with the slot seam, but a little confused with it's directions or applications... could you consult the czaress and see in what garment she used this sporty look?
i am pretty excited about the swap myself... thanks.
"Pressing makes the difference between a professional looking dress and a sad wreck." Oh it's the sad wreck every time!
As far as fabric - I am excited - so very excited.
I'm loving Mrs. Home Maker's sewing tips .. great comic! :-)
This comic book is killing me. :D
whee! so excited! now to think...shibori? gocco? first go at real screen printing? i just don't know, and it is totally thrilling.
Bookmarking this for future sewing projects. My inside seams were so ugly on my first finished project. Can't wait to try these out.
I love the littel stick figure dood. I especially love his 'oo-la-la' for the French seam. Classy.
This lesson book is very learny! haha. I like it, thank you for sharing it with us. Just goes to show you really can teach anything with comics.
Surprisingly, this comic is actually really teaching me something. I can't wait to see the rest. Who knew there were so many ways to do seams? Not me. :)
Is it too late to join? I would love to make some fabric to trade?
I am loving this comic book - it's a great instructional aid! (I just learned that what I always thought was a French seem is actually a Flat Fell seam - what do ya'know?
Thanks for sharing!
:) Joan
Thanks for posting these cartoons - they are really making me laugh. Sally Stitch (or whatever her name is) reminds me a bit of my domestic science teacher at school.
Have fun with the swap! I've enjoyed seeing what you have done with the New Vintage Wardrobe. I've got you bookmarked and swing by periodically to enjoy your projects.
Come by for a visit...
(all this fabric talk is greek to me. And, I can actually read Greek. hehehe, but I am just peeking in to say, HI lovely lady HI!!!!)
Oh, if you do this again, I'd love to join in!!
I have my address labels printed by a british labels company as i don't have the time to print the myself. I do think your ideas are really good though.
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