Friday, April 18, 2008

New Vintage Wardrobe # 16: The Tree Dress

Sometimes you have the perfect pattern and the perfect fabric in your stash for a long while, and you know they were destined to be together, but it is months before you are ready to dive in...

That is how it was for me and the tree dress.
I bought this fabric off the e-bay.

( Just a reminder..
if you click on an image it gets much bigger...
Just one of those Blogger extras!)

It's old. 50's I think, maybe 60's. It's narrower than the current 44 inch standard. It's just 36 inches. It is really cute with these pink and blue and green illustrator-y trees all over it. I bought it when I very first started this sewing for myself.
Anyway it is somewhat irreplaceable (at least I'd never seen it's like before...) and I didn't want to mess it up until I felt really sure of my skills.

The pattern is Simplicity 5962 from 1965.

(That collar! It's the collar!)

This was also off e-bay. My first pattern "lot". It was a good investment. I got a few really great patterns in there, including my first shirtwaist and my mod shift.

This was a great, easy pattern. I am a perfect Simplicity size 14...
so I didn't need to alter it at all. Hurrah for that!

The curves on the collar were tricky and if I did this dress again I would definitely clip the curves and trim the seam allowance even more on those, and maybe use a lighter weight fusible inner facing.

I used a medium weight because it looked on the pattern like the collar needed some body to it. However, that decision helped me to retain my title: I am the crown princess of sewing overkill.
I haven't made the belt and tie yet, but I still plan to make them in black.
(You know... like View 2...)

But since I already wore it to a baby shower so I figured it was done enough to show.

But for practicalities sake I do recommend a fuller skirt for tree climbing.

Thanks again to my photographer!

P.S. I am bound an determined to learn all the feet for my sewing machine...
On this project the new feet I used were:
my overlock foot:

handy but there was a learning curve...
It folds the raw edge and does a cool semi-serger thingy to finish inside edges.

and my blind hem stitch foot:

Check it out, the left side is the outside and the right side is the inside.

Thanks to craftapple for the tutorial, that made me feel brave enough to try it.

And Yesterday I forgot to Thank Erin At Dress-a-Day for linking to my dear Sally Stitch... And Michelle for pointing her in my direction...
"Hi" Dress A Day folks! Thanks for stopping by!


Stickyknitter said...

Even tough you live so close, even though you are but a phone call away, even though I nknow you're stopping by the shop this afternoon......I find myself obsessed with your blog! What kind of computer crack do you put in it?!!!?

Jen said...

Wow, what a great dress. It looks fantastic on you and the collar--again, wow!

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous combination you put together, the fabric! the dress! the collar! Really great, and I love that you are having so much fun wearing it!

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I've been GONE! But I come back to a WHOLE NEW YOU. Love the hair darling...

And that dress... HOLY COW. It's amazing. You look smashing in it. I think it's my favorite so far.

Luxe. said...

Oh that is very pretty and I love the collar!

vespabelle said...

hubba hubba! that's one hot dress!

for most of my interfacing needs, I use a tricot fusible. it's got some body but it's not too stiff. (and as a bonus, it comes in cream)

Anonymous said...

DANG. I am so impressed. It's incredibly perfect!

Heidi Ann said...

I absolutely love your New Vintage Wardrobe posts! That dress is fantastic, looks great on you - and I LOVE it with the black cardigan, handbag,and shoes. Truly fabulous.

PamKittyMorning said...

You look awesome. I love the whole thing. Thanks for the tutorial info, that's a different way than I've ever sewn a blind hem, WAY easier than the way I've done it. Love hte overlocking, guess I better try that as well.

Amy said...

wow! that is one amazing dress. and the collar! eek! i love it!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous fabric-and wow, what an incredible dress!

Sonya said...

A perfect dress! The fabric and pattern go together so beautifully. Bravo Bethany!

Drewzel said...

I love it. I love it. I love it!

kristin said...

you are so gd cute!! can i marry you?

Maryissewfast said...

Great Dress...the perfect marriage of fabric and pattern! Mary

Tonya said...

GREAT dress! I just found you from Sew Mama Sew, congratulations : )

I am glad I found your blog, you are hilarious!

Oh and isn't the overlock foot great? I use mine for almost all seam finishes, easier than getting my serger out.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous job!
I'm not brave enough yet to sew my own clothes.

Tina Dawn said...

Hi Betty. I am Heidi Ann's gold country sis. I love your dress, I think you'd better make a bunch more. Enjoying your blog. T

Anonymous said...

Oh my God! You in the's Green Mansions gone Mod! I love the dress...just love it! I know the movie How To Make An American Quilt didn't garner many fans, but I think you'd love it just for the dresses. My favorite is the swimmer' must see it!

Anonymous said...

Adorable BB! Watch the mail for a new treasure I found at a garage sale for you (the woman is retiring from the Antique business!) A new book full of inspiration (I hope -- but it looks like you already know what you are doing!!!) xoxo Lindy

Anonymous said...

That dress is great. I wasn't sure I liked the fabric at first but once I saw the photo of the completed dress I changed my mind. Great job. You look fantastic.

Anonymous said...

First of all, the dress and the fabric are mind blowingly fantastic. The execution is amazing--you look absolutely lovely.

Second, I am beyond envious of your suitcase collection. Every time I stumble upon one at a flea market or thrift store, they *always* reek to high heaven and given the prices charged around here (rarely less than $30-40) I never want to risk the Febreze method in case the smell never goes away.

Angelina said...

You look charming as usual! My worst sewing secret is that I have been sewing garments for almost thirty years (started with Barbies you know) and I am still afraid of trying a blind hem stitch.

This is why you are my sewing Heroine.

Natalie said...

The dress is fabulous and I applaud your bravery with your sewing feet. I am scared of my feet. Funny sentence. They probably have a pill for that.

Katherine said...

Great dress, Bethany! I especially love the collar.

Okay, after seeing your New Vintage Wardrobe posts, I have got to start using my vintage patterns. I hope I can look at least half as fabulous as you do. Wish me luck... ;o)

Anonymous said...

such a great dress! I really want to start sewing. posts like this really inspire me.

Dot said...

so cute dress! i wish i had your mad sewing skilz!

Anonymous said...

You look beautiful, definitely a great dress & fabric choice!

Dalwi Szyje said...

wow pretty blog

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