Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Glitter Thrift and 7 Weird Jobs

Magpie Eyes... I have too much of this good stuff. The pink bracelet even has the tag attached: Gay Paree by Star. I tell you...They just don't name them like they used to.

These sweeties will also be listed on Etsy... Just in case you need to get yourself a Valentine. I usually try to get myself a back up, just in case Mr. Betty has one of his "It's a stupid meaningless Hallmark Holiday anyway... And I forgot." years.

It happens.

And after 16 years.. I'm pretty much over it. I just cover my bases and get on with my February. That's Modern Romance for you.

Seriously, I'm not bitter... It's just a nickname.

The Shop will be Updated On Wednesday.(In case you were wondering.)

On a completely seperate note: Kathi tagged me for 7 weird things so I am going to make it

7 Weird Jobs I Have Had...

1)I was the pink haired Vegetarian counter grrrl at Burger King in San Luis Obispo circa 1986. When people asked me what was good on the menu...I rolled my eyes at them.

2) I was the "Put your Face On Rambo's Body" T-Shirt Maker at Fisherman's Wharf for about 9 days.

3) I was a classroom presenter for the Sexual Assault Prevention Team. I was a date rape specialist for the high school set. My presentation partner was a recovering heroine addict, ex-hooker. No, It wasn't court ordered... it was a regular job. And my partner was really quite nice actually. And the high school kids were, without exception, pretty well behaved.

4) And at the same time I was the Juice Bimbo at the local racquetball club. The beer swilling racquetball players were much ruder than the high schoolers. A mini skirt was required part of the uniform.

5)I was the artsy-fartsy semi punkish office go-fer for an imitation crab company.Ironically, I got in trouble here because my skirts were too short.. But in my defense: My hose were opaque and my shoes were flats. I did the filing, the photo copying, and I picked up the tiny bagels for the imitation lox tastings in the fancy company car. Perks? "All the fake Krab you could eat". Eew.

6) I was a professional actress, paid 50.00 for the entire run of the show. I played one of the Pigeon Sisters in the Neil Simon classic the Odd Couple. I was 15... My "sister" was about the same age as my mom (which would have been 37, at the time).. and my British accent was pretty spot on.
No! Really, It Was! The theatre survived and is still in operation.

7) I was a visual merchandiser/stylist for a major upscale department store. It also survived and is still in operation.

If you are looking for something weirder I have done this before as well, back when it was 6 things... Not enough? I also played 2 Truths and a Lie... I hope you enjoy..

Although I am pretty excited to be tagged... I think I have to say "play along if you want to and leave a link in the comments to this post if you do"... Because I love reading about all you people, But despite what my loving Hub may say about me.. I am not real comfortable telling people what to do.


Jenn said...

I love all your jobs! Sounds like quite an interesting work history.

I played along (well, kind of for the second time, I suppose.) But I like your idea of focusing on seven weird specific things, like jobs. Perhaps I'll give that a go next time.

Mary-Laure said...

I love the pink bracelet!

Your job-list really made me laugh ("it wasn't court ordered")...

Anonymous said...

Your necklaces of last post were so pretty!

I always buy myself a V-day box of Russel Stovers.

kirsten schueler said...

oh, oh! i was a visual merchandiser/stylist for a major department store too!!! didn't you feel like that ladder was attached to you? i had rock hard calves!

Maddie Kertay- The Domestic Anarchist said...

Ok.. I feel like a big- ole piece of boring next to you!!!


Cleaned legal offices

sales girl in uber expensive baby store

promoted to buyer at unber expensive baby store since I knew more than the buyer

Mommy of 6 ( 1 at a time)


wedding cake maker - by accident

Event planner- on purpose

embroidery designer



zoe krylova said...

hi there! i did it, 7 weird jobs listed (and expounded upon) on my blog: http://www.valeofeveningfog.blogspot.com

Sonya said...

A woman of many talents. Truly multi-faceted. And thanks Bethany, I'm sure glad we've met in this bloggy world.

Anonymous said...

Wow, great list of jobs!

My CV is nowhere near as interesting!

Anonymous said...

Love that thrifted jewelry. I love your jobs even better!

Keep thrifting vigorously!

Soccer Dream11 said...

Nice article http://www.weird-jobs.blogspot.in/

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